Monday, May 20, 2013

So we are still in Daycare Crisis mode! Nancy decided to take off for the summer and have us two weeks to find a replacement. Ummm...finding the right person to watch your prized possession isn't exactly easy! I don't want you with too many kids, I need to feel you'll be safe with this person, I didn't like one last smoked, we can't afford a lot more a month... It's just been tough! We have one more option we are meeting with on Wednesday and then Nancy's last day is Thursday. Soooo...we are down to crunch time!!!!!

You are such a little ham; you love putting on a show! You love to "run" where you run in place as fast as you can...every one gets a huge kick out of that! You still love to dance and sometimes you sing your own little song. You love making people start laughing too. You also love to make really loud (obnoxious) high pitched shrieks/shrills/screams. You think it's so funny... No matter how many times we tell you not to do just find a way to somehow get your voice higher and louder. It's funny...we just don't let you know that! ;)

We have been trying to do flash cards have no interest in them. You want to play basketball or just step all over the cards! You're so smart though...I need to not stress about teaching you stuff. You are like a little sponge and you absorb a lot more than we know!

This weekend is Memorial Day... That's a day to remember all the loved ones that we have lost. I wish you could have met your Poppy T...he would have just loved you so much! I can not even put into words how much I wish Ma was still here to watch you grow... She loved you so incredibly much and wanted to be here to see her grand babies grow up... But she got to see your birth, she was there to see you learn to walk, dance, run, she was there for your first birthday, she helped teach you to say your first words "Touch This! Touch that!" Because of a song she would sing to you that said "this way and that way." You just started saying This! That! And then you added "Touch." Ma told me that we pushed a lot of love into our time with her and I guess that's true. She spent so much time with you in the fifteen months you two had together... Most babies don't get to spend that special time with their grandparents, but you did. Lots of pictures and lots of memories! I'll teach you all about Ma when you get older! She's special, Lathan. Very!!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Hey little Mister! You continue to amaze us each and every day. We are realizing more and more that you know more than you lead on... You will randomly make the correct animal sound or point to our eyes and say "Eye" but if we really want you to do just ignore us. We have found out recently you know what a lion is, a monkey, a duck, an elephant, a pig, and a cow. Who knows what else you know! :) You will sometimes "Moooo" when you see the cow, you'll quack for a duck, make monkey sounds, make elephant sound with your arm as a trunk, and so on! You just understand every thing that we are saying really is neat. We say sit down, you listen. Hand that to hand it to me. It's just nuts how much your little brain absorbs in such a short amount of time!

You still have the dinner battle with us... If it's not waffles, French toast, or some sort of crackers (PB&J on crackers, cheese on crackers, Lunchables, etc) you refuse to eat it. You just spit it out immediately. It's frustrating; I worry about your nutrition all the time. Are you having enough vegetables, enough fruit? Getting enough protein, calcium, enough vitamins? Dr. Parr just tells me to let you eat what you want to long as you're eating SOMETHING...we are fine.

You have some mornings where you are a total Grumpy Pants! You throw yourself around and head butt, kick, tell and s ream because you just do not want to wake up that early! Once we get you up and turn into your happy little self. You want to read books, play with your toys, and you know your routine. Daddy typically gets you dressed so Mama can start her make up for work but you know as soon as you're run into the bathroom to find me to brush your teeth. You love brushing! That's a good sign! :)

The weather is finally getting nice out! You absolutely love being outside! You throw such a fit if we will not take you out there. You love playing basketball, swinging, playing in the grass, riding in your truck or whatever else you can get your hands into out there. You just love being outdoors. I am excited to get our pool open this summer; with as much as you love're going to love swimming! We bought a bike trailer so you can ride behind Daddy's bike when we go for rides... At first, you screamed and cried when we put you in it. We knew as soon as we started riding you would be fine...and you were! You said "Wheeee!@ the entire ride! The next fell asleep on the ride! Goodness, what a rough life!!!

Mothers Day was last weekend. That was a hard day for Mama. A VERY hard day! I miss Ma so incredibly much. We planted an apple tree at our house and one at Auntie's house in her memory. You got down and helped "dig" the hole... Which made me smile. When you weren't doing that, you were running around having the time of your life with Kendalyn and Kassidy. All I wanted to do on Mothers Day was something in memory of my Mom and just spend the day with you. You are the absolute love of my life and I know I've said it before, but I couldn't make it through this without you. Your hugs and your kisses make Mama's heart feel whole again. Your Daddy is amazing...but it's you that can make me feel the best!

Sheena had a dream the other night that Ma was well again. She was crawling around on the ground playing with you! Ma just kept saying how much you reminded her of Uncle Dave...and I have actually heard that so many times as well. Before Ma passed away, she would always tell me that being around you and the girls brought her back to when we were kids. She loved watching you play with them. So that dream is so neat to hear many people say you look like Uncle David, and I do have to agree! There's soooo much of your Daddy in you too, though! So I can't figure out who you look like more! I just know you're absolutely perfect.