Saturday, July 27, 2013

Eighteen Months

A year and a half! Holy moly!  We had your eighteen month appointment and the doctor was pleased with your development. You weighed 24 lbs (46th percentile) and were 33 inches tall (70th percentile!) He said you are doing great with your milestones and are right on track!  You are talking more and more - sometimes we understand and other times it's in your own little language. :) Everything is "stuck" right now. That's still the favorite word. 

You are still quite picky when it comes to eating... We try so hard to get you to eat fruits and vegetables, or normal "kid" foods like chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese but you absolutely refuse!  As long as you eat something, I guess, we should be happy!  We but little fruit pouches - puréed fruits and veggies for toddlers - and you'll eat it that way, like a smoothie... So you're getting some nutrients! 

You continue to sleep right beside mama in bed!  Daddy tries to cuddle with you...but you always manage to find your way back to me. We lay in there with you at bedtime until you fall asleep and then sneak out! You have been doing much better with bedtimes though!  I know we should put you in your own crib, but you're only little for so long. I know we won't have those special cuddle times forever. 

Daddy and I took off for your half birthday!  We had such a fun day!  We did the train and carousel with Auntie and your girls...played in the slip and water slide, and then had a mini half birthday party!  Mama made you half a cake!! :) You seemed to have had a great day! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Red, White, and Boom

Well little mister, we celebrated the 4th last week!  Another holiday without Ma... It's hard Lathan but our family tries and makes the most of it. We did our usual annual shooting of fireworks at Lake Shawnee on the 3rd; nothing scared you!  Not even your daddy's sparkler bombs (don't get any ideas) :) In fact, you clapped your hands after the ridiculously loud BOOM went off!  I kind of hopes you would have a little fear of them so we wouldn't have to worry quite so much... But we could not take our eyes or hands off of you for a second or you were running into the fireworks warzone!  Fearless little boy!  On the actual 4th, we had a cook out at Uncle Ezra's and Auntie's... You had a blast with your cousins and all your family running around and playing every where!  We did a little swimming afterwards and then we went to shoot off a few fireworks for Ma. Life just still feels so empty and being at her resting piece provides a tiny amount of comfort. We did sparklers and fountains...I am sure she thought they were beautiful as ever. 

That weekend, we took you out to the huge pool out North and you had an absolute blast!  We went with Auntie and your girls and all of you had so much fun!  There was a baby slide that you went down a lot and some water fountains that you loved running through; you would scream and yell with pure excitement. It was great!  You wore yourself out though and definitely crashed on the way home... The sun wore the baby out!  We also went on the Gage Park "choo choo" and their carousel on Saturday. You loved the train and you loved me holding you on the carousel - you had no desire to sit on a horse by yourself. Daddy was a good sport and Ross along side us though... You found that quite amusing! :) 

You are talking a lot more!  As I said on the last page...we absolutely love seeing what new thing you are going to do or say each say!  Although...we were not too thrilled the other day when you had your first ever time-out! Uh-oh!  A certain little boy would not stop slapping Rocky in his face... Mama told you repeatedly to stop and you would laugh and hit him again! Soooo you had to sit beside me for 20 whole seconds!!! (I know, I know...sounds ridiculous) but you were completely heart broken!  Afterwards, you just laid on my lap crying for several minutes...that 20 second time out apparently was the worst thing ever!!! 

We have mastered animals and the sounds they make, some body parts, and Mama has started colors with you. Basically, you're a baby genius.  You are excited to learn too, you are constantly pointing at things saying "what's that?" We tell you and you just absorb it and ask about something else.  You were so sweet this morning...I was getting ready to leave for work and I gave you your goodbye kiss and you leaned in for another one...I have you another. Then you did the sign for "more" so I gave you more. It was adorable. 

You lose your little mind everytime you're around your girls. You scream that same little shriek of excitement and just run and chase them. They have just as much fun with you too... I love watching the three of you. I know when Kambree gets old enough, she will certainly have a blast with you all as well.  You're quite the threesome...but soon enough, it'll be a foursome!!!