Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Messes Everywhere!!!!!

Today, I underestimated how long your arms were! Mama left you in your booster chair while I finished cooking dinner. You had already eaten; you had a waffle, goldfish crackers and Oreos...since you were still hungry, we started a container of baby food. Banana berry...dark purple baby food! Well I had my back turned to stir the soup and heard you squealing with delight... I turned around and your long monkey arms had reached the jar or dark purple baby food and you were making a huge mess! You dumped some over your head...dropped some on rocky...and just played with the rest on your tray. Boy, oh boy, you were covered. Mama just took off your shirt and let you play for another few minutes. Daddy put you in the bath tub...where you proceeded to poop in it. Ha. Needless to say, you've made quite the mess tonight!!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hey little one year old!!!! Things have calmed down after the excitement of your birthday parties and we are still trying to get our house back in order... Basically our living room is nothing but your play room; your toys are everywhere. If we try and clean up, you just waddle over to your toy box and pull the toys out for yourself. So basically we just have accepted that this house is no longer ours.... It belongs to you!

We had your twelve month appointment on Wednesday... We are not very happy with how it went though. You are 31 inches in length which is in the 90th percentile for height but your weight has remained the same for six months...putting you in 6th percentile for it. The dr was not very pleased with that; he said if you still haven't gained weight at your 15 month check up, we will have to meet with a specialist. We have been trying our hardest to get you to eat...we have been introducing more and more regular food, but you are putting up one heck of a just want your baby food. We have discovered that you are in love with waffles and Oreos though. :) You will eat those without a problem at all... You'll eat a few bites of chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese but then you are done with it and want your Gerber foods. We will keep trying though because obviously the baby food is not enough calories for you anymore. Everything else with the appointment went great though...your head and everything is growing fine so he knows you are not malnourished or anything like that's...just tall and skinny! Hmmm....wonder why!?!? Passed all your some! We had met with the ent a few weeks a go and they suggested a two month observation and we will go back in march and chances are we will have to schedule tubes and also removal of your adenoids...dr parr agreed that would probably be best for you with your snoring, your restless sleeping, your ear infections, etc. I really really really hope we don't have to! The thought of you under anesthesia with a breathing tube is almost too much to think about.

Immunizations. I absolutely hate them. This was an appointment where you had to get four...and one of them was the dreaded MMR. That is the one that' people claim causes autism. I said so many prayers and the dr promised me that is nothing but a silly fear....he stated there's absolutely no link between the two...I Pray he's right. Of course I made your daddy be the bad guy again...he stood up by your head and tried to comfort you during the shots. You cried and cried... :( Mama loved on you as soon as they were over though.

We were working on blowing kisses was the cutest thing ever though.... You can not fully grasp the econcept. Is would put my hand up to my mouth and blow a kiss and you would cover your eyes and say muah!! Then you'd put it on your forehead and say muah. Haha, oh lathan! Could you be any cuter!?!

Monday, January 21, 2013

One Year Old!

Well a year has come and gone. Lathan, this has absolutely positively been the best year of our lives and you are most certainly the reason! Not a day goes by that I don't just look at you and still just marvel in the little miracle that you are! It amazes me that just one year a go you were this newborn baby that was completely reliant on we have this little boy with 16 teeth, walking, babbling, talking (some), and with the ability to feed himself finger foods! You have such a strong personality; I just know that as you continue to grow, you will be this outgoing, head strong, little sweetheart that will continue to melt mama's heart with each little smile. It has been a tough year with lots of struggles, but you have given me something to smile about each and everyday. You have brought so much joy to our family! I love you so much and I can not wait to see what this next year brings!!!! :) :) :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Birthday Weekend!!!

Party Time!!!!

We had your birthday party yesterday with Mama's side... The Collins family is coming over today for another one. Yesterday's party was absolutely amazing!! It was a Curious George theme and we worked really hard to make it the most perfect day for you! Everyone that you love was there! They bought you all sorts of wonderful presents (that you had no interest in opening!) Lots of adorable clothes, Mickey toys, books, and super fun toys! It was a great day! We made chocolate cupcakes with banana tints on top, we had a Curious George cake too, and you had a little cake for yourself. You really didn't get messy though when you ate it... In fact, you wouldn't even touch it! Mama and Daddy had to feed you it! Haha. You little lazy baby! :) Mama might have went overboard buying decorations but Daddy did great putting them all up! Lots of monkey balloons, banana balloons, streamers, monkey centerpieces, lots of red and yellow candy, Hershey bars wrapped with a wrapper that said "Thank you for coming to Lathan's 1st Birthday!" Kisses with Lathan stickers on the bottom, Monkey tattoos, Lathan stickers, etc etc. THEB before everyone left they had to sign The Curious George Birthday Surprise book so you would know years later who was there! We tried to give you the perfect day...and I think we succeeded! :-)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Get Well Soon!!!

Boy, oh boy! Winter has not been nice to us, my little guy!! We are currently getting over the stomach flu!!!! If its not one thing, it's another! You are such a tough little baby though; you've gone from ear infection after ear infection after ear infection to colds and now vomiting!

Late Sunday night, your daddy woke up and got sick. I told him he should probably not come back to bed and risk sharing the germs with you; he spent the rest of the night on the couch. We took you to daycare and at about 8:15, Nancy called and said you definitely had a stomach had gotten such six times!! :( Even though your daddy felt absolutely miserable, he went and picked you up and the two of you spent most of the morning sleeping. By the time I made it home around 2...I had caught it too. I spent the rest of the night getting sick but you and Daddy seemed better! I spent the day at home with you yesterday... I could tell you were not feeling good though. You didn't play at all! You laid on Mama all day long... I loved cuddling with you but I knew that my baby was hurting somewhere and just couldn't tell me. We had lots of Mickey Mouse time and you just cuddled the day away!!!! You seem to be doing better today...Nancy said you were happy and playing with your friends!

You are the cutest when you walk! You're doing great with it, but your balance isn't the greatest yet. You just laugh and stumble your way through it- belly poked out and arms reaching out...your daddy calls you a little zombie!I love it!!! We get such a kick out of you and all the new things you seem to learn each day. It's amazing watching you explore and to see your personality really show. You are still obsessed with Mickey Mouse; if we have the remote in hand...OBVIOUSLY we are turning on Mickey. Sometimes, you go get the remote and bring it to us. "Come on mom! Come on dad! I want Mickey Mouse!!"

We have been getting ready for your first birthday...I can not believe you are almost one. I'm excited for you but I would be lying if I didn't admit that my heart hurts a little too. I know that my cuddling days with you are limited; I know that you won't always be my little baby who likes to lay on mama's chest and play with my hair and my lay there and rub my face and I can just feel the love being shared between us. I am sad that one day you will be too big and too cool for Your mama. Your daddy loves holding you and cuddling you too but I know he is excited for everything the two of you will do when you get bigger. You are already his best little buddy...any project he is working on, you are right there by his side trying to get your hands in it too. You climb up on his back and just babble and chatter while he is trying to work...he loves it though! you two also play "basketball.". He rolls the ball to you and you slap it back to him. You have a Fisher Price basketball hoop that you just love! So he looks forward to all the excitement of father and son as you grow... Mama just wants you to stay little! :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013


You say this and that all the time... your latest phrase is Touch this or Touch that. You give yourself away when you are being bad because you repeatedly say "this" very quietly as you are reaching for the "No-No."

You are very sensitive! You cry and cry everytime we tell you no. We do not even raise our voices or just get such a little broken heart. On the other end of the also have quite the temper! You throw some pretty intense tantrums... Your latest tantrums involve the "mule kick." You are on your knees but you kick your back legs up over and over...I try so hard nit to laugh, but I have never seen such a thing!!!!! You are also so fight with your Mickey Mouse doll. You crawl over to him and push him over or smack him in the face. We tell you not to do it and of course, you do it the first time you think we aren't looking! That is pretty much the case with anything...wrestling with Rocky, pulling things off the coffee table, chewing on everything...if you think you shouldn't do it.... You still are going to do it! :) Maybe your listening skills need a little more work!

You puked all over our bed the other night. We think it was the augmenten you're on for yet another ear infection! I woke up to the sound of vomit. Guess we need to get used to that! I ran you into the bathroom while you finished getting sick in the sink; you cried and just kept saying "Mama." Your daddy had no idea what was going on! Haha.

You're doing a lot better with solid foods! We let you try a lot and you chew it up without a problem. I think your 12th or 13th tooth is coming in...I have lost track!!