Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas is just right around the corner! You have been such a blast this holiday season so far.  It is so much fun to see Christmas through the eyes of a child - you are in awe of all the Christmas lights, of every Santa picture, of every Christmas gift, of every snowman, of each and every Christmas decoration,  we went through "Winter Womderland" which is this huge light display and you just sat and clapped and pointed at everything.  You said over and over again "Lights! Wow!!!" You would say the colors of the lights and just enjoyed very minute of it.  

This last weekend, we went to Disney on Ice with Uncle Ezra, auntie, and the girls,  that was the best day EVER!  We had absolute front row seats for it; I am not sure how we didn't know that when we bought th ticketsm but as we were trying to find our seats...we just kept going farther down the bleachers until the last row.  Mama and daddy had to stop and ask an employee if the tickets were right because we had no idea we were sitting VIP. Wee just knew that you were going to have the time of your life.  Mickey Mouse was the host of it and as soon as he came out you screamed HotDog! Goof! Donald Duck!  You also really like Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story so you had your little. Us toy on your lap through the entire two hour show,  we couldn't believe how fantastic you behaved there!  The Disney show held your attention the entire time... You screamed more! More! When it was over.  The best part was at the end the performers skated around and gave everyone a high five...since we were front row, you and the girls were first in line.  Soooo my man, you got a high five from yr idol Mickey Mouse!!!! The joy in your eyes was enough to make my entire year,  

Halloween and Fun

You are growing so fast... Somedays I look at you and wonder where my baby boy has gone. You are so tall and your baby face has matured so much and you look like a little boy now... Not a baby. It's sad to think about but this age is so much fun too.  You love interactive play; you play with your choochoo's all the time, you love it when we play cars with you, you love your little people... It's just so neat to see your little imagination at work.  

We had family Halloween pictures last weekend; the first time you had your costume on you LOVED it. You ran around screaming "Hotdog!!!"and didn't want to take it off.  On family picture day, we put your costume on and you ran around screaming "Help!!" And you tried to rip it off.  Go figure. After several fits and meltdowns and one very mad little mouse...Danielle was able to get some really cute pictures of you!  We were very pleased with them.  

Halloween was Thursday.  Mama took off Thursday and Friday to hang out with you and spend some special time.  We started out the day at Daddy's job... Everyone swooned over you. We spent some time there and you got some yummy candy and ice cream.  Next we went to great aunt Theresa's job with auntie nd the girls.  Great Uncle Rodney and Great Grandma Pat came along as well. It was a lot of fun... We went to all of the different Halloween stations they had at her job and you got sooooo mic candy!!!!  It took you a little bit to warm up, but once you realized you would get candy from them... Y ran right up there with your mickey bucket and picked you out some candy.  At one point, I looked down and realized you had stolen the entire bucket of candy and you were carrying it around.  Haha.  You thought you hit the jackpot!!!  After nap time, it was time to do some trick or treating!  We went to a few neighbors, and the church had trunk or treat so we spent some time over there as well.  You were so much fun - you really interacted and participated in Halloween this year.  You ran up to doors with the girls and really trick or treated,  mama and daddy had a blast with you!  Uncle Dave came back in town so all of us ended the night walking around Poppy's neighborhood together - Every time we have a family event or a family holiday, there is that hole inside... Things just do not seem whole without ma here.  I just know how much she would get a kick out of you growing and learning... But I know she is watching over you.  

You are totally obsessed with Kambree.  You call her Baby and run and give her lots of hugs and kisses when you see her.  I don't think you understand that she is so little though because sometimes you try to tackle her or push her down to ride on her back like a horsey-ride... Other times you run up and try to touch her face and point to her eyes... It's just a little rough for a seven month old baby but she is tough!  You don't understand what you're doing so we just tell you to be gentle with the baby.  Actually... You're rough with everyone though.  You put a pen in kasssidys eye on Halloween, you slapped daddy in the face... You just play soooo rough.  We are working on playing a little nicer though.

We have really enjoyed letting you make decisions lately; we ask you about clothes to wear, lunches, milk, juice, water?  You always answer us Nope, nope, no, until you decide and then you say Ok.  It
Is so cute and you really like helping us choose as well... You feel so grown up and independent.  You love helping us do mini chores as well - folding laundry, loading the dishwasher, picking up toys, etc.  the other day I was handing you dishes as I unloaded them and you surprised me because you knew right where everything went!  Tupperware went in the Tupperware drawer, measuring cups went I. The utensil drawers... I was impressed!!! You are so smart and such a big little helper!