Friday, May 22, 2015

Kam: "poop, poop, poopie!" 
Lance: "hmm, I wonder where you learned that word. Lathan, did you teach that to Kambree?"
Lathan: "that's a really good question daddy!" 

Hahahaha the things you say. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Daddy: "is everyone nice to you at daycare?"
Lathan: "yup! They are all nice!"
Daddy: "ok, well if anyone is ever mean to you or hurts tell daddy and I'll take care of it."
Lathan: "ok daddy, thank you."

Ten minutes later 
Lathan: "daddy, if anyone is ever mean to you or hurts you- I'll take care of it."

Melt my heart!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Today is our day baby boy!  It's Mother's Day!!!!   You are the reason that I celebrate today - you have given me every thing it could ever have wanted in life. (Well actually, your daddy has given me everything bc he gave me you!) but you have completely fulfilled me. My mom always told me that having a child meant you had your heart walking around outside the body, and it is so incredibly true. You have my entire heart and every time I leave take it with you. 

We had a nice day today - we spent it with the entire family. We all went to breakfast together - party of 25 - and shared stories, laughed, and just enjoyed each other. It's amazing how much our family has grown - sitting with mama's cousins and their families - it's just great to have such a big loving family. I miss my mama every second of every day, but being around her mama and sisters makes me feel her a little more.  You loooove pancakes so you really enjoyed breakfast. :) we went and spent some time with grandma bye and everyone else at her house and then came home to celebrate together. Year day, You told me that you had bought me "hand polish" so I kind of had an idea what you bought me ;) You bought me finger nail polish and some workout clothes, you are always so excited to give presents and at just so incredibly sweet. You gave me the presents and you wished me a happy valentines day ;) and then happy mamAs day. It was so sweet and followed by a great big hug and kiss.

We went to Ma's grave and took so,e flowers and a long letter to her... When mama got out of th car there was an older lady out standing at her Grave. I walked over there and asked who she was so I could introduce myself to her - she told me she actually didn't know ma but she saw all the flowers and balloons and just knew that she must have ebeen pretty special so she wanted to go talk to her for a minute.  Th lady was just standing there talking to her and w as crying at her grave. It's obvious to strangers that she was so special :) your ma was amazing. She taught me everything I kmow about being a mama - so everything that you love about me, you thank her for! 

We continue to work on our letters - you recognize up to the letter "p". You're doing fantastic!  You kmow your left from right, can count up to 30, and continue to crack us up daily. The things you say are just so funny!!!!!! 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Today, mama was offered a new job!  I will be the clinical coordinator at Washburn University- basically, I will be teaching radiation therapy at the university I graduated from. Baby boy, I made this move for you...I could not be anymore excited about it. Mama's old teacher, Becky, the current program director - sent me an email on my 30th birthday telling me that there was an opening and she wanted me to apply for it. I called and talked to her and she told me that the hours and the schedule is just so incredibly flexible she thought it would be perfect for our family so I could be with you. So I stayed up all night on my birthday getting my stuff together to apply and had my application in the mail a few days later. At my interview, they told me how flexible my schedule would be - I would be salary so I get paid whether in in the office or not - and I can leave and do stuff with you whenever I want! They said if you had a doctors appt, I just leave and do it - when you're in school, I can just leave and go to your stuff... It's just what I have always prayed for!  I know that Ma was working with god on this one!!!!!  I can not wait for this new opportunity.