Friday, April 25, 2014

Easter was last weekend!  Just like every other were so much fun. We dyed Easter eggs a few days before -which you really enjoyed!  You cracked a lot, spilled the dye, re-dyed eggs, got it everywhere...but hey, you had a blast!  You talked about the eggs for hours afterwards. We hid them at Aunties house and you and the girls ran around like crazy kids grabbing them and throwing them in your baskets. When you were done you said "More eggs?" 

On Easter morning, we were laying in bed and I was telling you that the Easter bunny had came and his eggs EVERY WHERE! You said "he made a mess?" Haha. "Yes Lathan, a mess of eggs!" You were so excited to see eggs lining the hallway and hidden every where in the house. The Easter Bunny brought you a basket full of candy as different fun springlike toys!  A kite, a gardening set, flowers to plant, flip flops, and other fun stuff. We filled you up on candy and headed to church (where you certainly didn't behave) and then played outside flying a kite and watering Mama's flowers. That evening, we had Easter dinner at Ma and Poppy's and had an Easter egg hunt there too. It was perfect weather outside and the day was great - anytime we have the entire family together and let you and your cousins's always great! :) 

You are such a baseball freak - you love watching a kendalyn play at her games. You cheer the etntire time and always tell for More Baseball when it's over. You tell us that you are going to play basketball and baseball when you're older. I bet you will too!  Just like your Daddy! 

You are such a great little helper - Mr Independent. You put the dogs outside yesterday and then turned around and said "I did it!!! Mama's so proud!" Ha. Apparently I tell you that a lot, but I am very proud of every thing you do. :) 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Well mama survived a year without her mamA - a year without Ma. I still remember everything about that day... Those are painful memories that will never go away ; I remember feeling as though my heart was literally broken, that there was a hole in my stomach. It is silly to say, but there were days where it felt like my heart could stop any minute because it hurt so bad. I am not sure how we all survived this year...but we did! I have said this a million times, but I couldn't have "survived" without you. With every tear that fell, you were there running my face or giving me kisses. You let me hold and cuddle you lots while I weepef over missing my mama. Thank you baby, thank you for helping me get through the worst year ever. It's funny how 4/13 stirred up so many emotions... How just the date could make me relive it all over again... More so than 4/12 or 4/14. But you stayed with mama and you helped me through. 

  It pains me to think about, but someday you will suffer pain of that magnitude. I don't want to think of the day when I'm no longer with you...but just know that I'll always be in your heart. I will always be watching you from heaven and will always be your angel. I hope and I pray that that day is when Mama is 354 years old though... I can't stand the thought of not being here on Earth with my baby boy. 

We dyed Easter eggs and aunties that evening... Something happy to distract us. Yoh were so funny! Cracking eggs left and right - you had no patience (duh, you're two) and didn't want to color or decorate them just threw them in dye. The dye would splash every where, you'd reach for other people's eggs, Kass knocked over a cup of dye.. It was perfect. The perfect amount of child chaos :) We hid them afterwards and you had so much fun run around the house grabbing them for your basket. (We had severe storms so we couldn't hide them fact, we lost power for a while at Auntie's.)  either way, we managed to have a positive memory on such a hard day. We were all together and that was what mattered the most. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Yesterday was Mama's 29th birthday!  That sounds so old!  I took off work yesterday and today to spend time with you - I can not think of a better birthday than hanging out with my favorite little mister. We met up with Auntoe, Kass, and Kambree and we went to the children's discovery center- you really enjoy that place. You just run and explore every thing!  I am so glad Topeka opened that center ... We need things like that for children.  Afterwards,  we all met Great Grandma Patty for lunch at Casa and then headed home for naptime. Mama fell asleep and we both slept for two hours. It was cuddled with mama the whole time. We then went to visit Ma'sresting site... I just couldn't fathom not "seeing" her on my birthday. Daddy is off today and we are going to KC to do done birthday shopping for mama... Your favorite thing to do! ;) Tomorrow, we are going to the zoo to see all the amimals - Poppy bought us a membership so we get to go as much as we want to now. This will be the first time this year and as much as you've grown lately...I know you will really enjoy it. 

You continue to amaze us... You just learn something new and are always trying to say new words or form sentences. You talk ALL THE TIME now and we love it!  Your new word is "trouble". Every thing and everyone is in trouble... I guess we have said that word to you a few times! :) When we get ready to leave for daycare you shouted "Let's Roll!" Daddy said you tell him that each night when he picks you up too.  We've been having accidents in bed almost every night... You wake me up and tell me that you're wet, you need changed, and you need a towel. (We lay a towel down and change the bedding in the morning.) I hope we can start potty training soon because the peeing the bed stuff is getting gross. Haha. You are MR independent these days; "No, Baby do it"comes out of your mouth about 100 times a day. It's great that you want to start doing things on your own but it's also a fight... You want to brush your teeth...which is great, but you won't let me help you at all and mama still needs to make sure tou don't get cavities. You love walking up and down the stairs by yourself...which scares me!  I just hover right beside you. You insist on letting the dogs out by yourself, feeding yourself, etc. You're just growing up so fast. I'm not ready for you to not need Mama. 

I could listen to you talk forever in your little baby voice. It's adorable the way you express yourself these days.  You know what you want and you make sure we know... Sometimes you throw mean boy temper tantrums but other times you're a little sweetheart. If you've been mean and yelled in your "demon voice" We can usually give you a sad face and you apologize very quickly... At least you know right from wrong even if you don't always act like it. 

The weather is starting to warm up which you're very excited about - you love being outdoors.  Summer is going to be great for you.  You're still in aren't too interested in doing it just run around and play instead of doing the "obstacles." I'm sure with time you will take instruction a little better :) 

You are still pretty picky...your staple meals are hotdogs, waffles, pbj sandwiches, and PIZZA!  You can easily eat 3 or 4 pieces of's your absolute favorite. Speaking of food...Mama started "clean eating" two weeks a go. It's a diet of iust while foods - no processed foods, no preservatives... Just clean healthy stuff. You are not too interested in it...I tried to get you to drink almond milk and you told me it was gross. We bought "veggie hotdogs" and you gagged and almost puked (I tried those and they were pretty DISGUSting!!!) we threw the rest of the package out. I just worry do much about your health; ever since we lost Ma I just don't want to do anything that could potentially make us sick. (Meats are pumped full of additional hormones, processed foods are full of cancer causing preservatives..) I just want everyone to live long lives. My heart couldn't go on without you...that sounds cheesy but you're my world. Sooooo "clean eating" isn't really made for Lathan but daddy and I will do our best to give you the best nutrition possible...that you'll allow.