Sunday, August 26, 2012

You're scooting everywhere! You get up on your hands and knees, then rock forward, lay down and inch...then repeat! You move from one side of the room to the other doing that! Such a little inch worm! I wonder if you're ever going to do pretty darn good inching and bear crawling!

You still love the dogs! Each morning you look and look until Rocky peeks his head up at you from the floor...then you get the biggest smile! He gives you lots of do not know what to think about those though. You flinch and turn your little nose up...but you just keep going back for more!

You recently started taking a pacifier to help fall asleep... You look pretty cute with it! You still wake up several times a night...sometimes to eat, sometimes because you peed out your diaper, but most of the time you just want to be in bed with us! We have broken the rule we always said we wouldn' have ended up in bed with us A LOT! It is so hard not to...we know that's what you want, we are so tired, and honestly - I love cuddling with you! You only like to cuddle with cry on Lance's pillow. It makes him sad...but me HAPPY! :) So you lay on my pillow with me and your face is pressed up against mine. It's really hard to try and keep you in your crib when you look like such a little angel in ours. You do not want to stay in your crib are really struggling with separation anxiety at night time. You do not want to be alone at all!

You are such a little messer! You are into EVERYTHING! Your little head just goes back and forth trying to find something to get into! Goofy kid! You love playing with my cell phone and the remote... You change channels, turn it off, change the volume. You're so funny. You like to help turn off the lights and close the garage door. You definitely let us know when you want something!! You have mastered the temper tantrum!

You are doing a lot of interactive play- Kass coughs, you cough. I laugh, you laugh. Poppy claps, you clap. It's soooo cute!!!!! You mimic us a lot; it's amazing to see each new thing you learn each day!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Still no crawling!!! You will move your knees...but no hands. Then you get lazy and end up rolling! Ha. You think that you can walk though; you try to wiggle and squirm to get off our laps...not sure what you plan on doing if we let you. :)

Seven teeth!!! Four on top, three on bottom. They are REALLY hurting you too... I can not remember the last time we slept more than just a few hours. You just wake up screaming!!! You always end up in bed with us, but even then you cry and cry and cry. It breaks mama's heart!

Still wild as ever. You want to jump and bounce, you want to "bam bam" everything, want to wiggle and dance... Basically anything that involves you moving everywhere! :) Just a wild little guy!

You are still loving baby food! You have had squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, apples, pears, and bananas! You love them all! You still make a nasty face sometimes when you first take a bite, but that does not last long. Also, for some reason you think it is funny to breathe it up your you have sneezed out peas a time or two. The other day, Ma tried to let you lick a Popsicle and you couldn't spit it out fast enough...haha. It must have been too cold for you!

Today, you were rolling at Ma and Poppy's and you rolled to their couch and pulled the bottom flap over your face. We heard you laughing and giggling... Ma would say "Where is Lathan?" and you would laugh and laugh! You were so cute!!!

Now...let's be cute tonight... And SLEEP!!!! :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kissy Kissy!

You are such a little kisser these days! You give me the best hugs and kisses and each one completely melts my heart!!!! You have given Ma and your Aunt Rebecca a kiss before, but you usually do not kiss your daddy. We think it's because of his will hug him, but usually no kisses! He tries so hard to get one though! No luck! You have not been sleeping very well lately; we take turns going to rock you or soothe you back to sleep. The other night, you gave me the biggest hug and several kisses when I went in there! I came back to bed and told Lance how cute it was...he said "That's nice...he slapped me in the face when I went in there!" I laughed the whole next day when I thought about it!!!

You are so intrigued with Kendalyn and just stare at them and get super excited when they come over to talk and play with you! They absolutely adore you...and Mama absolutely adores watching the three if you together! You also really love the dogs! God help them when you start walking!! :)

You love screaming back and forth. You'll make a noise, I'll mimic you. You laugh and make another...I do the same. It's a little game you think is so funny!

We went back to the zoo liked it more than last time...but you were tired and fussy so we didn't get to stay too super long! Tomorrow, we are going to the park and possibly to feed the ducks!

Love you!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Since your six month appointment, you have had sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash. You absolutely love baby food! In fact, you cry if we can not feed you the spoonful's fast enough. I knew you would love the food are such a big water I knew there was no way you would not absolutely love it!!

You are SO incredibly close to crawling. I bet it is only a matter of days until you have mastered it! You still absolutely love to cuddle, jump, roll around, and just laugh and yell. You're so full of energy and just go NUTS while you are playing...but you're still mama's little baby who cuddles when he's tired. You give the best kisses!!!

Uncle David had his white coat induction ceremony to KU Medical School. I could not be more proud of that guy! We were there supporting him in the audience on what probably was the most prideful day of his life thus far. I had a special outfit made for you; it looked like you were wearing a stethoscope around your neck, the pocket said "Dr. Collins," and it looked like it was full of medical equipment as well. Everyone really got a kick out of it!

The white coat ceremony was extra special because Dr. Khan, Ma's oncologist, was actually the one to place the coat on Uncle Dave. He has worked with her since 2008 and without him...she would not still be here. His latest chemo treatments have truly helped her... I hope and pray things continue to remain positive for her. I know she will have her today...she's having a very rough day... But she is here to hold you, kiss you, tell you she loves you...and for that, I praise the Lord.