Thursday, July 26, 2012

Six Months!

Wow! It's exciting and sad at the same time. I have always heard people say "They grow up too fast..." but I had no idea how accurate those statements were. It truly seems like just yesterday.

We had your six month appointment yesterday which meant big bad shots. They just broke your little heart; you were so happy, kicking your little feet and laughing away until they gave you the three pokes- it was the saddest little cry. Daddy handed you to me immediately and I was able to love on you and make you stop crying. It's so sad seeing you hurt. You'll understand when you have kids. The shots were really hard on you this time... That evening you fussed and cried so much. You didn't want me to put you down at all and your daddy had softball - I ended up putting you in your bathtub and you cheered up pretty fast. You splashed and kicked water everywhere... Then it was milk and night night time! A few hours later you woke up screaming- Lance tried to rock you back to sleep but that was not what you wanted! Soooo...I fed you again and put you back to sleep. Half an hour later... You woke up crying again. We ended up putting you in bed with us and it's amazing! You slept perfect! You spoiled thing! :)

You are 27 inches long and over 18 lbs. Such a big boy!!!! You're considered skinny for your height. You are very advanced in all of your milestones and the doctor said almost all of your front teeth are coming in...that explains the constant drooling and chewing. Your two bottoms are all the way in, the two beside them are about to poke through, and the four on top are poking through.

You had baby food for the first time! Sweet potatoes! You made the funniest "yuck face.". You made quite the mess but you successfully ate 3 or 4 spoonfuls! Haha. We talked to the doctor about cereal making you fussier so she told us to stop doing that for a few weeks and see how baby food treats your little belly.

We did your six month pictures; I could not be any more in love with them! You are absolutely freaking adorable!! One of my close friends, Danielle, did them for us...she did AMAZING!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Almost six months!!!!!

Your Ma's scans came back showing drastic improvement!!!! Thank God! I knew that they probably would be good with how much better she has been looking and feeling lately... She holds and cuddles you all the time! You even "jump jumped" on her lap the other day! Sometimes you are too rough for her but for the most part she has been able to love up on you rather than just watch and talk to you while someone else holds you. You have no idea how happy this makes me!

Your current favorite thing to do is to give "High Five's!" You grab our hands and hold it so you can high five it over and over and over. You are so funny! Your teeth are still hurting you but I think they are slowly getting better. Kendalyn has lost a lot of hers and so she's this little toothless thing and you're working so hard to get yours in'

Mama and daddy are going to open you a savings account this week. We do not have a lot of extra money but we will do our absolute best to deposit some each week so you can use that for college in the future. My parents always put our education above anything else and I want to do the same for you; I just know you will make us so very proud someday. Who am I kidding? You make me so proud everyday!!!

You have your six month appointment next week... That means shots :( God, it just breaks my heart hearing you cry with them. Your daddy will be there to support me... Haha. It's sad that I need support when YOU get shots! We just love you so much.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Well baby boy! You continue to grow and amaze us! You can finally do the tripod... You can sit on your own! I think you've been capable of doing it for a while but you're a lazy little stinker so you usually just try to lay back down or roll over once you're sitting up. The other day though, you sat up and just stared at Rocky for the longest time! Adorable!!

You are still such a wild little man! You love to wrestle and the rougher the better. You scream, holler, and laugh so loud when we scare you, tickle you, or just say "I'm gonna get you..." Sometimes, you "get us" and you bury your head in our necks and growl and wrestle back. We have so much fun with you!

Those two top teeth are still giving you trouble. The bottom two came in with little fuss but the new two are really rough. You are always chewing on your hands, drooling, and you want everything to go in your mouth! Those bad teeth!

It was pretty cute... Today your daddy was holding you and showing you yourself in the mirror and you kept reaching for your daddy in the mirror for him to hold you... Haha. You did not understand that he actually was holding you! You're so cute and funny!

Your Auntie Rebecca found out the other day that she is pregnant again!!! You're going to be a big cousin! I am very excited to be an aunt again because I just love Kendalyn and Kassidy so incredibly much! I bet she has another little girl. :)

I have had a couple friends lately that have had babies and unfortunately they are pretty sick. One had a stroke in the womb and the other has a brain bleed...I know this is a serious topic for your happy book but it just made me realize even more how thankful and blessed we are for you. My heart aches for those parents who are hurting right now with their innocent babies being so sick; it makes me realize how lucky we are to have a healthy little man like you. So much could go wrong and so much almost did go wrong - you swallowing the meconium, the cord being wrapped around your neck, your blood sugar being so low, etc. I was so naive and did not understand the severity and the seriousness of all of those things... I am so blessed and so thankful we have a happy and healthy little boy who loves us just like we love him! I pray for all of those families that have sick babies and I pray for your future little cousin to be healthy as well.

Your Ma has her scans on Tuesday... Thousands of prayers for good results. She means the world to our family so we need good news!

Love you my little stinker!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Go 4th!

Family! Fireworks! Fun! Your first 4th of July!!!

We did our normal July 4th traditions... On the 3rd our entire family goes to the Lake and shoots off our own fireworks. It gets pretty crazy with all of mama's wild and crazy cousins so I just like to sit back and watch... Your daddy likes to do sparkler bombs... Something you better not ever do! :) We helped Kendalyn and Kassidy shoot off some, but for the most part, we just enjoyed the company. I was so nervous the noises would bother you, but of course you were just perfect! You were in awe of the bright lights and colors so we kept you out past your bedtime. Your Ma was late getting there because she had to get blood due to her chemo... We stayed and hung out with her and poppy once they arrived.

The next day, the 4th, we had the whole family over for a BBQ and swimming. You were napping when everyone arrived so when you woke up, you were pretty excited to see a houseful of friends! :) The boys grilled hamburgers and hotdogs while everyone else swam, played basketball, or just stayed inside to beat the heat - it was 108!! We took you out to swim for a little bit but you ended up falling asleep floating in your you went inside and cuddled with Ma instead! We skipped the big firework display at the lake because it was way past your bedtime and mommy and daddy were exhausted! The neighbors made the neighborhood a war zone though and at one point you woke up really scared but after that you slept great! Thank goodness...because on the 3rd you didn't Want to sleep at all. I think it was all the excitement of your first fireworks.

I can not believe how much you have grown! Everyone always says that I did not get to have a baby for very long and that is definitely the truth! You are so strong and so independent already...if you could walk out of here I know you would. You are at the age where you are starting to throw temper tantrums... You know what you want and you let us know! It's not really a cry, but a full out yell. You have two teeth on the bottom and two more poking through on the top. You're only five months!!!!! You are very intrigued with Kendalyn and Kassidy...Kass gives you the most attention though. She is always talking to you, trying to pick out toys for you, tickling, etc. it's adorable! The whole family just loves you to death.... There will never be a time when there isn't someone there for you! You usually just get "passed around" because everyone wants a chance to hold and snuggle you! Your Aunt Rebecca calls you boogie, the girl's call you Buddy, and you are Ma's boy! So many nicknames! :)

I know I have said this before...but you, Kendalyn, and Kassidy are truly the joys of our family. It has been such a rough few years but looking at you three innocent really makes the world seem right again. There are some nights when my mom's cancer and the loss of my Grandpa becomes overwhelming...but a simple smile from you makes my sadness disappear. Thank you Lathan! Thank you Lathan for helping make my family happy again! God knows you make me the happiest girl in the world! :)