Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Daddy, when you're at work...I miss you so long!" 

I just love how you put sentences together -  You have your own sense of Time - every thing is tomorrow or in two minutes. "Summertime is tomorrow." "Poppy's taking me fishing tomorrow."  You don't really understand the actuality of tomorrow - but in your mind, that is when every thing happens.  "Two more minutes" is your bargaining line - two more minutes of playtime, let me stay up two more minutes, two more minutes of tv, etc. Two minutes! 

I know someday you will grow up and talk like a big boy. For now, I will smile at kassawee instead of Kassidy, bunny instead of funny, baba instead of mama, credabull instead of incredible, and all those other adorable words that you say. I love you lathan. Oh so much. 

Fishing Fun

You are quite the little story teller - the other night you told me Auntie was coming to pick you up to go eat pizza. You were so believable I actually had to call Auntie to see if I had forgotten something...haha. She said that she would love to do that with you soon but she just couldn't that night. Almost every morning you tell me that you and Poppy were going to go fishing and have so much fun. So now that the weather has been nice, we went fishing Wednesday after work. Although none of us had any had a great time!  You "casted" over and over and tried to catch a big fish. We were bass fishing - which is when you literally cast and reel the entire time - probably not the best thing to teach an inpatient you'll only want to fish that way. Cast and reel, cast and reel. Oh well, no fish but it was a great time sitting on the dock in the sun!  Better luck next time little buddy!!!  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

You have a bruise on your back - you call it your "bruiseter" (one of the trains on Disney's Chuggington is named Brewster- I think you have just gotten confused." ;)

List of toys that goes downstairs with us, goes in the car to daycare with us, goes to bed with us:
(Disney car characters:) Three Lightning McQueens, Mater, King, Brush, Mack Truck
Mario Car
(Disney Planes Characters:) Two Dusty's, Peter [actual name is Skipper but peter is what you named him] LeadBottom, and RipSlinger

Whew. Loading mama's pockets with five million toys five million times a day is hard work....but what's even harder is keeping track of five million toys every day. Lord knows if one comes up missing... nighttime will be a NIGHTMARE!!!!  Mama comes in to bed every night and feels around on the bed beside you to move them we can do the same thing the very next morning. You love your toys! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Another weekend down - Sunday evenings always give me the blues. I love the weekends with you, I love sleeping in with you- just this morning you woke me up by kissing my nose. Talk about a sweetheart. Daddy had to work this weekend, so it was just you and me Kid. Yesterday, we hung out with Poppy and today we spent the day at Grandma Bye's with Debbie and Rodney. Our weeks are so busy that we don't always get to see too many other people - we like to take advantage of the extra time when we can. Poppy drive us around to run errands yesterday - weatherman was calling for a blizzard...We might have gotten two inches and it's already melted. Ha. Oh well, I felt safer with him driving. Grandma Bye had the greatest afternoon with you - you two played "river monster" and she would capture you and you would have to break free. You wore her out! I love that you love her so much - I know that you would love Ma - it still stings so much that she doesn't get to really know your ornery little self. Of course, she's always watching and she's always with us...but I just wish that she would be here to enjoy these moments in person.  They all got a kick out of you today - Rodney was really impressed with your vocabulary. :) 

You and Daddy were neighborhood snow patrol this weekend. You always want to be Daddy's little helper, or as you like to call him "partners". The two of you decided to go shovel our driveway, Cheryl's, and Koty's. You told Mama to stay inside where it was warm.  Such a tender heart. 

You have gotten quite into the movie -Disney Planes; Go figure, another racing movie!  Every thing is a race with you - we have figured that is the way to get you to do stuff- we race you!  Every morning, we race each other while brushing our teeth, (you always win) we race you to get dressed (you always win) we race you to finish your food (you always win) :) Whatever it takes to get done with your daily rituals!  You are becoming such an independent little boy - you like to put on your socks and shoes by yourself, you like to go potty by yourself (we do the wiping of course haha), you like to climb in the car and car seat yourself, Mama is always standing there and ready to help at anytime...I'm not quite ready to let go of the baby reigns. 

Hopefully in the next few weeks, we get to start re-decorating your room. You want a Lightning MCQueen room with a big racecar bed.  Daddy and Mommy are working hard to pay off our debts so we are budgeting your remodel- there's really no rush because we know you sure won't sleep in it. You've already told me, you are planning on sleeping with "Baba" (mamA). When we ask you whose room ours is, you say "Baba's," Daddy asks "who else?" You reply "me." "Who else?" "Baba." Haha, not poor daddy. You told us that his room is downstairs. He's been banished to the basement. ;)

We have not done a lot of exciting things lately - we have spent a lot of time staying indoors avoiding the colds and flus, or trying to recover from the colds and flus we all caught anyways. It's been a tough winter for illnesses.  I have been working hard on your numbers and letters - you can recite the alphabet, but only recognize a few of them.  I think you're right on track for your age though - if not advanced. So Mama needs to relax. :)