Friday, June 29, 2012

So you are officially mobile! Lord help us all! :) Last night you got up on all fours and scooted! It was the cutest thing...EVER! You did a little rolling, a little more scooting, and voila! You were all the way across the blanket we had down for you. Your daddy missed it (which he was very upset about,) but your ma and poppy were there! They got to see you be your normal CRAZY are so full of energy you usually end up panting because you played so hard! Calm your little butt down! :) My mom said she's never seen a baby as wild as you are! Haha. Too darn cute!

Lance has been working the night shift the last few nights so it's been all mama! You were kind of a stinker last night...I sure hope you sleep a little better tonight; after a full day at work, a good night's rest is're the boss these days though! Sooo...we will see! Either way, being able to cuddle with you or kiss you up...even at 3 in the is completely fine with me! :)

You love the water! You've gone swimming a few splash and drink as much as you can! You also love back and tummy roll all over the place, try to eat the blanket, scream at the highest octave possible, and just babble away. Everyone that sees you comments about how happy of a baby you are!

You still are solely on breast milk and then rice cereal at dinner time; you will start getting more solids very soon! As much as you love your cereal...I know you will love baby food even more! Our little eater!! ;)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Five Months!

So your five month birthday was this past Friday... It truly seems like just yesterday we found out we were pregnant. I was terrified! Then we heard your heartbeat... Holy cow! There's a baby in there! It was a whirlwind and now you're here... Dive months old...and the BEST thing that's ever happened to me. I can not even explain the love I have for you! enough being sappy... Sorry little man :)

You have gone back to being the perfect baby... We realized that the rice cereal was upsetting your belly. We were giving it to right before bedtime but we moved it earlier - 6 or 630 - and you have been much happier! We put you to sleep about 830 or 9 and for SIX nights in a row now, you have slept all night long... In your own crib!!!! You usually end up on your belly but you sleep so perfectly! There's been a couple times where you've fussed for a few seconds but you usually stop right away and put yourself right back to sleep. Mama and daddy are REALLY happy about that because we were getting pretty exhausted. You usually wake up about 5:30 in the morning which is the perfect time for you to eat and for me to get ready for work. Your daddy is still taking you to daycare on his way to work... He actually had to have a little talk with her this morning. She took you out to the pool Friday...but kept you in the shade... But our pale little baby got sun burnt! Friday night we saw it and was LIVID! We put aloe vera on you all weekend so you're fine...but Lance still told her to not take you again. It's way too hot out for you to just sit out there...especially without sunscreen! She feels horrible and said she will never do that again... She is a really good daycare lady, I just do not think she thought that our very well. Boy was your Auntie and your Ma and Poppy furious when they saw you too! Ha! Poor Nancy almost got their wraths as well! :)

We have taken you out in our pool a couple times...I still can not really tell what you think about the water. You splash around and kick your feet but you do not really smile too much so it is hard telling. You do try to drink the water though... You splash and then suck your hands as fast as you can. You are so fast when you do it and also very spastic! Ha! :) You are all covered from the sun though; we have you in a 12 month swim shirt because of your chunky little belly, trunks, and a big floppy hat as well! Then you float in a raft with a cover! That bad sun is not going to get you!

Mama was out shopping the other day and your daddy called to tell me that you just got a bath. He said that you were playing in your exersaucer and he saw that you were stomping your feet around - after looking a little closer, he realized what you were stomping around in! You had a diaper blow out and it had ran down your leg and you were having fun stepping in it! He said it was EVERYWHERE! You are so hard to change these days too because you kick, roll, buck up, twist, turn, etc. he said you were getting it all over the place, all over you, and all over him! He finally gave up and just put you in the bath tub! Haha. You are such a power pooper...I can not even count how many times a week we have to SHOUT your clothing because you have gone through your diaper and stained your outfit. Our little pooper!

We took you to see the Ear Nose and Throat doctor this past week... Your pediatrician was worried about your snoring so they referred us. Dr. Barnes (ENT) said that he thinks it is just because you have smaller nostrils but gave us a nose spray to use at night's. We will follow up in eight weeks to see if it's gotten any better. I think you're just fine, but Dr Parr just wanted to make sure.

You roll all over the place! You have two teeth and the way you chew on those hands and drool, I think more are on their way! You are so strong and can bear a lot of weight...Ma says she has never seen a baby as strong as you! When you're on your belly, you pull yourself up on your knees - I bet you're crawling soon! You are so intrigued with the dogs! You just laugh, smile, scream, and holler at them all the time. You laugh out loud all the get to cracking up and your laugh is contagious... We start cracking up too!!! You love to watch baseball...oh great! Another sports nut! My personal favorite milestone...YOU SAY MAMA!!!!! I'm not sure if you really know what you're saying, but when you're sad, you saw Mamamamama. Your daddy finally admitted to me he hears you say it! That just makes me smile so big! Mama! :) Ma says you have a love affair with your daddy and I... You just stare at us and smile all the time! You're our world and I guess we are yours too! :)

Your Ma has been feeling better! In fact, she has spent a lot of time being able to hold and cuddle you. We go to Ma and Poppy's house a lot! Mama is very close with them so I usually do not go too many days without seeing them! She has her chemo again tomorrow... We just continue to pray that this is working! In my heart, I feel so positive about this treatment. I honestly feel that we will have her around for a while! Wahoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!!

Today was your daddy's first fathers day! You had a very special book made from Shutterfly full of pictures of you and him and cute little quotes and poems about how much you love him! Also... You got him a HUGE grill! Half charcoal, half gas, with a smoker on the side. Great job little man! He was very very surprised... Poppy had to go pick it up for me because it was too big for mama's Escape!

Today we took you swimming for the first time! At first you did not know what to think of the great big "bathtub" but after a few minutes you were splashing and kicking away! I think you will be quite the waterbug! :) We had bought you swim shorts and a water shirt but you're quite the big old' boy bc the 6 month swim shirt was a complete belly shirt. Haha. Such a long little chunk! :)

Yesterday was Ma's 50th birthday! We had a cook out at Rebecca and Ezra's house with our whole family. It was a beautiful beautiful day! We had a surprise card shower... We told all her extended family and friends to send her a birthday card to Rebecca's house and then we gave them all to her at once. 169 CARDS! She was so surprised... She cried, I cried, we all cried! We have a lot to be thankful for baby boy... A few months a go I honestly feared I wouldn't get to spend her birthday with her. Her cancer was so aggressive... But I believe her chemo is helping her! She has more strength and her blood levels are staying up. Your Ma is doing a lot better! We are so blessed to spend that special milestone together!

You, my young one, have been quite the fuss bucket lately! We are trying to transition you to your crib in your own bedroom and it isn't easy. I am sad to move you out of our room and I do not think you want to be in your room either. You were hysterical last night when you woke up in your crib! Soooo... You ended up in our bed! Whoops! :) In our defense, you were screaming so loud and tugging at your ears... We thought you were sick and we just wanted to comfort you! We took you to the doctor today (Happy Fathers Day, huh?:) ) And the doctor said there's nothing wrong with you at all. It could be your teeth...but the doctor thinks its more than likely you're just going through a phase and also dealing with separation anxiety by being in your own room. I pray you let us get some sleep tonight... It's been two weeks of this nonsense!

You were seventeen pounds today! Little chunk! :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Love Love Love You!!

Oh baby boy! We have SO much fun with you... We had no idea how incredible it would be becoming your parents. You have us laughing and just cracking up the better part of the day with all your goofy grins, faces, noises, etc. You are absolutely hilarious!!!

You had your four month appointment the Friday before Memorial Day... You have gotten soooo big! You were over 15 pounds (50th percentile) and you were in the 80th percentile for height! The doctor was so impressed with you... You were the perfect baby and you have met and passed all your milestones for this age. You have two teeth already which she thought was super early; she said she thinks you'll do everything early! I think so too... Definitely! You got your four month shots... Baby boy, I think my heart completely broke when they did them. You bawled and were devastated! Your daddy was up by your head for comfort but I just had to look away. Just remember... It's for your safety and health in the long run. Due to Ma going through chemo, she couldn't be around you for eleven whole days! She was so upset... She had me show you pictures of her so you wouldn't forget her in those eleven days! We finally got to go over there yesterday and she was amazed at how big you have gotten in such a short amount of time!

You love your exersaucer... You sit and play with the toys for so long! But you really love your jumper... Boy, are you WILD! You just jump and jump and jump! You scream and have so much fun in that thing! You were sitting in it watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cracking up the other night. Your giggle makes us laugh...I don't think you could be any darn cuter!

You had cereal for the first time last night!! We made it really milky but you did great with it! You really took to the spoon without a problem! We gave it to you before bed and then again this morning. Last night was the first night we tried having you sleep on your back rather than in your bouncer...we also didn't swaddle you. You did fantastic! You're growing up so fast baby boy!

Ma is still going through chemo and it is a daily struggle for her. She's such a fighter though! I know it is so hard on her to miss so many important things for you but just know that she loves you to pieces and when this chemo kicks this cancer's butt... She won't miss a thing! :)

Well that's just a quick recap of the last few weeks with you! Love you Lathan!!!