Sunday, July 17, 2011

First trimester is on the way out....

Only five more days left in my first trimester....I can not believe how fast the first three months have flown by.  I feel so blessed to have had such a wonderful first trimester... I have heard so many horror stories about women that need to be on Zofran their entire pregnancy and I have yet to hardly even feel sick at all!  My chest has definitely gotten bigger (Lance makes sure to point that out to me...haha) and I can barely keep my eyes open come 10:00 at night... I hope my fatigue lightens up a little bit but hey, if that's the only symptom I have...I really can't complain!  My belly is definitely sticking's starting to look a little bit less like "I eat thirty donuts a day" and more like "I have a baby in me."  You really can't tell too much with my clothes on but when I lift my shirt up there's certainly a pooch that has never been there before.  Lance loves to rub my belly, he kisses it all the time and talks about "his baby" in there.  It really is a special feeling knowing we have started a life's something that no one can take away from us. 

Things with his famiily haven't gotten any better at all...we still haven't told them our good news.  It's really sad that he wants to keep something that exciting from them because he knows that it will be nothing but trouble once they find out.  I can't imagine having a family like that...I don't want to sound judgemental or anything because I know that no one's family is perfect...but I can't imagine hurting my son repeatedly.  Hurting him to the point that he no longer has anything to do with any of them... I mean he never goes around them, he skips out on as many holidays as possible.  It breaks my heart for him but we have given them a lot of chances to do the right thing and they never do.  I get worried about what's going to happen when we tell them about the baby, I'm sure there will be a lot of drama but for now we are just enjoying it together and not letting anyone take this happiness from us! :)

My mom's radiation has really helped her sacral pain.  She has four more treatments left but she's said it's helped drastically!  That makes me so happy! She continues with her hormone therapy and will resume her oral chemo-therapy once her radiation is complete. 

My grandpa's 78th birthday would have been yesterday... it was hard.  I still miss the man like crazy and not a day goes by he doesn't pop into my head a hundred times.  I see older men that look like him and my heart skips a beat for a minute...then I remember that it's not him coming to see me and then it's that feeling of loss all over again.  I had a dream about him that I was visiting him and my Grandma and when it was over they jumped in the car and drove off...I remember asking him if he was ok to drive (he had stopped driving as he got sicker...he feared for other people's safety on the road.) He told me that he had gotten better and he was able to drive again.  He looked so happy and so healthy...he wasn't using a cane or a walker..he was just my Grandpa Tino.  Man, what a wonderful man.  :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Eleven Weeks!

"This marks a turning point for your baby - the task of developing new bodily structures is nearing an end as mnost of your baby's systems are fully formed!  Now comes the mainetnance phase...during which your fetus' systems continue to mature for the next 28 weeks and the organs get to work.  Your baby weighs half an ounce now and is the size of a PLUM! Your baby has more then doubled in size in the last three weeks!"

"As you near the end of your first trimester...your uterus, now about the size of a large grapefuit begins to migrate from the bottom of your pelvis to a front-and-center position in your abdomen.  This should bring an end to the urge to urinate! Also some of those other pesky pregnancy symptoms should begin to diminish as well."

Our appointment was Tuesday and we heard the baby's heartbeat!! It was AMAZING!!!  Lance and my mom were there and it was the cutest and the most exciting thing ever... it was 150 bpm.  I was so scared that we wouldn't be able to hear it or that we would get bad news of some sort but it was an amazing appointment.  Lance was so so so so excited...he couldn't stop smiling!  I definitely am showing more and more...but I'm feeling better and better.  I have had an almost perfect first trimester...sure, there's been times when my belly has been slightly upset and I've been really really tired but I have had NO morning sickness.  I haven't had to hug the toilet bowl once! :)  I haven't had too many cravings yet... I've craved a lot of Mexican food so far but I did that before the pregnancy so I can't really call it a "craving." haha.  Only two more weeks of the first trimester.... I can't believe how fast it has flown by!  It seems just like yesterday I took the test and Lance told me he felt like "puking."  haha... now he's rubbing my belly all the time, reading "What to Expect when you're Expecting!"  (I've caught him reading it and quoting it several times...haha) so he's very  excited to be a dad.

Things are just perfect right now.  I can't wait until my belly is HUGE! :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ten Weeks Two Days!

"This week your baby is officially developed enough to be called a fetus!  The good news is the most critical part of your baby's organ system development is over - your baby will grow very rapidly and will double in size by next week!  Right now it's .25 ounce and is the size of a lime! On your baby's head, the ears are forming and the reproductive organs are becoming more distinguished!"

"Inside your body, your uterus is starting to get to be too big to fit into your pelvic area and will begin to rise up into your abdomen over the next few weeks! Your abdomen is starting to protrude a bit now and your jeans are getting harder and harder to button without a struggle!"

I DEFINITELY have a baby bump... it looks more like I have spent a few too many days at all you can eat buffet's but I know that's not the case.  I find myself rubbing my belly more and more and I absolutely love when Lance does that.  We will be laying in bed and he will just rest his hand on my belly and it seriously makes me smile.  Our first appointment is Tuesday and I'm hoping and praying that everything is biggest fear is that we will go and find out that the baby stopped growing or it won't have a heartbeat.  I still very much feel pregnant so I'm hoping we get good news... I can barely keep my eyes open somedays from pregnancy fatigue and my belly will get upset or cramp every so often to remind me that I'm carrying Baby Collins in there! :) It's the most amazing feeling ever knowing that Lance and I have started a life together..I love him so much and I am so happy that I am carrying his baby inside of me....a baby formed out of love.  He is SO protective right now...he freaks out anytime I have a cramp.  He's been amazing to me through all of this...he takes such good care of me.  Nights when I get off work too late he will cook dinner and just have me rest or some days he wakes up early and makes me breakfast to surprise me so I have something good to eat before I go to work.  He gives me plenty of foot massages and back rubs because he knows after an 11 hour work day I am just down-right EXHAUSTED!  I am so happy to be with him!  :)

Tomorrow we are having the 4th of July celebration at our house... we went and bought some fun decorations for it and the family is coming over to cook out and shoot off fireworks and swim!  It will just be a great afternoon... the last two 4th's have been really sad so I'm hoping this year is better.  Two years a go my mom was admitted to the hospital the 2nd of July for pulmonary embolism's and that was the start of her cancer recurrence...when she was there she told them she had a pain in her groin and they did a scan to see if she had a clot in her femoral artery - as it turns out it was actually a bone lesion.  We spent most of the 4th in the hospital room with her.  Last year my Grandpa was admitted for what they thought was the same thing.... that was the start of his downfall as well.  They weren't blood clots in his lungs, his lungs were actually filling up with fluid from cancer cells trying to invade his lungs.  He had several chest tubes, procedures done to drain and seal his lungs, he had several hospital stays until his final one the end of October which turned into the Hospice House.  I remember watching the fireworks last year and bawling my eyes out the entire time... I knew my Grandpa wasn't doing well.  I didn't know that was going to be his last one though... :(  Man, I still miss him like crazy.

My mom starts radiation on her Sacrum on Friday... I'm hoping and praying for some pain relief for her with minimal side effects.  She deserves to get a break! 

Well on that note... I'll blog after our appointment on Tuesday!  Fingers crossed for a good appointment.  Bets on whether or not Lance will cry when we hear the heartbeat!? :)