Wednesday, February 26, 2014

 Terrible Two's. Temper Tantrums.  Meltdowns. Yelling. Screaming. Throwing yourself down on the floor. Fit Throwing. Yup, that sums up our lives these days. You're such a little sweetheart, but when you throw a fit...they are intense!  Anything can set you off and you have the strangest requests - you want to wear your coat inside the house, you want me to sit on the toilet and hold you at midnight (that was a fun night... 30 minute screamed and yelled bc you woke up and wanted to hang out in the bathroom.) you're out of juice, Auntie might want to eat your goldfish crackers (This was first thing in the morning...Auntie wasn't even at our house)  Macoy looked at you while you had your trains and obviously that means he's going to take them from you. Haha. Mama just takes deep breaths and we work through the tantrums. You still won't eat anything of nutritional value, you aren't sleeping the greatest...but it's all a part of childhood development. So we will get through this time together :) 

When you aren't having a meltdown, we are actually having a lot of fun. You love to sing and dance right now... In fact, the table next to us at Outback really appreciated you joining in the Happy Birthday song last night - you sang your little heart out! ;) You are such a little mime and try to repeat a lot of what you see and hear - your favorite "tough" word is "Catastrophe!!" It's adorable when you try and repeat it. Speaking of adorable, you told me that you were "Mama's Baby" the other day...ummmm melt my heart!!! Not so adorable, is when you continuously call me "Steen" in public. Haha. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We have such a big two year old these days!  I can not believe how quickly it's going by... Don't blink...I might miss it!  

This has been a really tough winter so far. We currently have about 16 inches of snow out there... Thumbs down!  We made snow ice cream the other night and you surprisingly ate it. You don't eat anything new... EVER!  You still don't like to actually go out in the snow though and you barely want to touch it... But you love the fact it has snowed. You just look outside the window and talk about the snow and talk about HoHo - it's neat that you remember the last time it snowed was Christmas and you correlate the two. So smart. 

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Day of loooove!  You had your party at daycare yesterday with all of your friends; we made sports valentines for your buddies and Mama made Mickey heart shaped cookies. They turned out really cute and everyone seemed to love them!  I can totally see me being one of those crazy "room mothers" when you are in school... I love going above and beyond with cute little ideas like that for you!!! 

You are such a mime... You repeat everything you hear!  That's why I automatically become "Steen" when you're around the girls... Such a little shadow.  Mama dropped something the other day and I said "Oh Shoot!" And you said it over and over afterwards. (Thank goodness I just said Shoot!") 


After looking at a picture of Sheena in her wedding dress, You screamed "Sheen!!! Cute!!!!"  "Aww baby, uou think Sheena looks pretty?" "Ummm... Nope."  Sorry Sheena, he's just not impressed!!! 

We had family photos done for the church directory and you took it upon yourself to introduce me to the photographer as "Steen!!!" 

You insisted on going to sleep cuddling with a water cup the other day. Total meltdown when I tried to take it. That was how you slept until I could finally sneak it away. 

Kambree is starting to walk... You like to mimic her and walk behind her. You look like a little robot while baby girl stumbles around. Hilarious. 

Speaking of robot, that's currently your favorite dance. 

You pooped in the bathtub the other night... Again.  You pee the bed every single night... You wake up soaked, the bed is soaked, I am soaked. Yuck! 

Daddy asked you if you were going to be a basketball player or a baseball player when you grew up... You told us you were going to be a robot. (You REALLY like robots these days.) 

You tell me my car is "Kiki" (your word for dirty) everytime I load you up in your car seat. Yes Lathan, Mama really needs to wash it. 

While getting dressed today, you decided it was appropriate to run up and squeeze mamas belly fat. Haha. Way to help a girls self esteem!  

You played dinosaurs the other day and you call yourself the "BabySaur." It was adorable. 

You put on our oven mitts and run around yelling Football!!!  Slightly confused as to why.