Sunday, June 3, 2012

Love Love Love You!!

Oh baby boy! We have SO much fun with you... We had no idea how incredible it would be becoming your parents. You have us laughing and just cracking up the better part of the day with all your goofy grins, faces, noises, etc. You are absolutely hilarious!!!

You had your four month appointment the Friday before Memorial Day... You have gotten soooo big! You were over 15 pounds (50th percentile) and you were in the 80th percentile for height! The doctor was so impressed with you... You were the perfect baby and you have met and passed all your milestones for this age. You have two teeth already which she thought was super early; she said she thinks you'll do everything early! I think so too... Definitely! You got your four month shots... Baby boy, I think my heart completely broke when they did them. You bawled and were devastated! Your daddy was up by your head for comfort but I just had to look away. Just remember... It's for your safety and health in the long run. Due to Ma going through chemo, she couldn't be around you for eleven whole days! She was so upset... She had me show you pictures of her so you wouldn't forget her in those eleven days! We finally got to go over there yesterday and she was amazed at how big you have gotten in such a short amount of time!

You love your exersaucer... You sit and play with the toys for so long! But you really love your jumper... Boy, are you WILD! You just jump and jump and jump! You scream and have so much fun in that thing! You were sitting in it watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cracking up the other night. Your giggle makes us laugh...I don't think you could be any darn cuter!

You had cereal for the first time last night!! We made it really milky but you did great with it! You really took to the spoon without a problem! We gave it to you before bed and then again this morning. Last night was the first night we tried having you sleep on your back rather than in your bouncer...we also didn't swaddle you. You did fantastic! You're growing up so fast baby boy!

Ma is still going through chemo and it is a daily struggle for her. She's such a fighter though! I know it is so hard on her to miss so many important things for you but just know that she loves you to pieces and when this chemo kicks this cancer's butt... She won't miss a thing! :)

Well that's just a quick recap of the last few weeks with you! Love you Lathan!!!

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