Tuesday, June 25, 2013


FathIt is absolutely crazy how you learn something new each and every day!  We get so excited and just swoon over each and every little thing that you do...but we are just so proud of you!  I don't know if I have told you this before...but we think you are just absolutely perfect! ;)

Some of your new and favorite things to do are to make snake sounds (SSSSSSSS) and you make this little mean face when you do it! haha.  You also do the cutest Choo!Choo! for a train sound... Auntie said it's the cutest thing she has ever heard and Uncle David made you do it on speaker phone so Sheena could hear.  We have tried to get it on video but you become a mute when a camcorder is in front of you!  You just stare at it and refuse to do it...BUT when we are replaying the video back and you hear us say "What's a train say?"  THEN you answer it... you little butt.   You also do cow, sheep, dog, cat, elephant, monkey, and lion noises....you cluck for a chicken, and you hop when you see a bunny rabbit.   Genius, I tell ya...GENIUS! 

You love saying "Uh-oh!"  You also say "Uh-Uh" when you know you are doing something you are not supposed to be doing... or when you want to say no.  You say Uh-Uh and you shake your entire upper half "no"...not just your head...but everything!  you say "KiKi" for yucky and you also have started throwing your arms in the air and saying "All Done!"  You say "I stuck!"  If you fall down, you'll say "I stuck!"  If the dogs are laying down and won't get up...."Stuck!"  It's the cutest.  You call Macoy "Coy" and Rocky is "Dog."  (You used to chase Macoy around and yell Cat...so I still wonder if you understand they are both doggies...)

You are certainly a little boy that loves being outside!  We have bought you so many different toys for summertime and you are just getting the biggest kick out of all of them... you have different cars you can ride it, a water table you can play at, side walk chalk (which you just want to eat) but you absolutely love playing in your swing in the tree...and of course the pool.  Daddy and I are getting concerned though because you have learned to climb the stairs to the deck surrounding it... we are trying to figure out how to put a gate around it now.  You love the water so much it worries us that you will climb the stairs and try to reach in it or something which would result in you falling in... of course, this is assuming that we are not watching your every single move...which we usually are. Better safe than sorry though.

You are really enjoying spending the days with Amber!  She is always doing something fun with you and she sends Mama lots of pictures all throughout the day of your fun activities!!  I am so glad you have warmed up to her... you were pretty sad the first week or two...but now you two have fun together!!! 

You are still in love with your little girlies... you run up to Baby Kambree and give her the sweetest little kisses.  You just want to run and play with the big girls though (of course!)  They love you and get so excited anytime they get to spend time with you... it makes me happy to know that you will be close to your cousins growing up!  Kendalyn begged me to let you stay the night last night... "Please! I'll take the best care of him, I'll feed him, make sure he has a clean diaper, Please Steen!"   It was pretty cute!

You are still obsessed with Mickey Mouse and Chuggington.  I am pretty sure Mickey will be the theme of your second birthday party but your Daddy said I can't start planning quite yet!  You are still in the Mama's Boy phase...it makes Daddy sad sometimes because you give me so many hugs and kisses!  At bedtime, you only want to sleep next to me...-'d you cry most times I leave.  I love all the extra special kisses and cuddle time...but I know Dada wants some too! You are truly such a sweetheart; you love giving and blowing kisses... You love holding hands...you love cuddling...you are just a little lover boy!  You might be the cutest little sweetheart around...but you also are an ornery little fella as well!  You have started climbing everywhere!  You were standing on the coffee table dancing the other day!  You are just all boy. Rough and tough... But a softie on the inside :) 

Father's Day was last weekend!  You bought your daddy a weed eater and made him a platter for grilling. We used your handprint to make a lion's mane and we painted "Daddy is King of the Grill" If you bake the paint into the platter then it supposedly stays that way!  He loved it!  We had Poppy and everyone over to cook out and swim that evening. It was a nice day...but it was also a tough one. It was also Ma's 51st birthday. We smiled and had a good day...but in the back of our minds...we were thinking about how wrong it felt and how hollow our lives still feel without her.  After everyone left...me, you, and Poppy went out to her resting site to take a birthday card and flowers. That was the first time you have gone out to see her. It breaks my heart to see you in a place like that. I miss Ma so much. I wish you would have gotten to spend more time with her... :( 

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