Friday, August 9, 2013

Boy, oh boy. You are such a toddler these days. :) You are in the stage where you love to explore, touch, eat, jump, run, throw... Any and every thing is subject to your path of destruction!  The dog's water bowl has been dumped over hundreds of times, things have been thrown in the toilet, you have stood and jumped on the coffee table, you have pushed the water dispenser on the refrigerator so it sprays every where, you pull every thing out of the drawers, you chase and torture the dogs, you climb every where.... You're just a complete and total toddler boy.  Don't get me wrong, I find a lot of it funny. I try not to let you know that...but it is so hard to not laugh when you're being purely ornery. You aren't being're just a normal toddler doing silly things.  In the same're still very much a little baby boy.  You still cuddle with me a lot... I hope you never outgrow that.  Mama loves her baby boy and I don't want you to ever get too big for me. 

You played "Where's Lathan?" with Daddy tonight and you'd jump out from underneath the blanket and say "There he is!" It is so clear and so stinking cute... You're first actual sentence.  

Current words: Mama, Daddy, dog, duck. Quack, don't, lets go, stop, no, shoe, sock, There he is, goat, wa-wa (water) stuck, truck, car, Dave, aCoy (MaCoy) star & more. 

I am sure there are others but that's all I can remember right now.  I really do think you learn something new everyday... Whether it's a new word, or a new task like "brushing your teeth" on your own or "brushing your hair" without any help... It's just so neat to see your little mind constantly at work. 

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