Tuesday, November 26, 2013

You were such a blast on Halloween!  Mama took off and we spent the day together! We started at daddy's job where every one fell in love with you... You felt like such a big guy. Then we went to great aunt Theresa's job - her company has a big Halloween celebration where all the pods dress up and give out lots and lots of candy. We went through her entire job and you filled up your Mickey treat bucket there. At one point I looked down and realized that you had picked up their bowl of candy and was carrying it around. Haha. You must have thought that you hit the jackpot. We went with Auntie and the girls, Great Grandma Pat, and Great Uncle Rodney. We had a really good time. After naptime, it was time to actually do some trick or treating. I was unsure on how you would do at it, but you really caught on fast and enjoyed yourself!! You ran up to the doors with your girls and got your candy and then ran off. We had such a good time. Poppy, Uncle Dave, and Sheena were there too so we all walked around as a big group. I absolutely love watching you experience all of these things and see the excitement in your eyes as you get a little older and begin to understand. 

You have really taken off with your talking!  You are learning and saying so much!  You can form small sentences too which is right on track!  :) You tell us "I poop!" So hopefully potty training is easy. You always tell us after the fact though, so I know we have a ways.  The other day...you told us, "I poop, I stinky." Haha. Just what we want to hear! We have been working on colors too and so far, your favorite color is definitely green. You tell us everything is "Geen" and we say "nope, what color is if?" And then you tell us the right one. You have correctly answered green, black, blue, yellow, purple, and pink. Such a genius baby. 

You love to dance. Music was on the TV the other night and every time it ended, you would sign "More" and we had to rewind it over and over so you could dance to it. Your current dance move is stomping your foot. Ha. 

You call the girls by name now and they absolutely love it! Ken, Kass, and BayBay (for Baby Kambree). You say Ez, Papa, Auntie, Dave, and Sheen as well. You point to Ma's picture and will sometimes say Ma too. :) 

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. That means it's almost time to decorate for Christmas!!! I think you will really enjoy the Christmas lights and everything about it. You were still pretty little last year...but this year, I'm super excited about it!!! You say Hohoho for Santa! :) 

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