Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Well mama survived a year without her mamA - a year without Ma. I still remember everything about that day... Those are painful memories that will never go away ; I remember feeling as though my heart was literally broken, that there was a hole in my stomach. It is silly to say, but there were days where it felt like my heart could stop any minute because it hurt so bad. I am not sure how we all survived this year...but we did! I have said this a million times, but I couldn't have "survived" without you. With every tear that fell, you were there running my face or giving me kisses. You let me hold and cuddle you lots while I weepef over missing my mama. Thank you baby, thank you for helping me get through the worst year ever. It's funny how 4/13 stirred up so many emotions... How just the date could make me relive it all over again... More so than 4/12 or 4/14. But you stayed with mama and you helped me through. 

  It pains me to think about, but someday you will suffer pain of that magnitude. I don't want to think of the day when I'm no longer with you...but just know that I'll always be in your heart. I will always be watching you from heaven and will always be your angel. I hope and I pray that that day is when Mama is 354 years old though... I can't stand the thought of not being here on Earth with my baby boy. 

We dyed Easter eggs and aunties that evening... Something happy to distract us. Yoh were so funny! Cracking eggs left and right - you had no patience (duh, you're two) and didn't want to color or decorate them before...you just threw them in dye. The dye would splash every where, you'd reach for other people's eggs, Kass knocked over a cup of dye.. It was perfect. The perfect amount of child chaos :) We hid them afterwards and you had so much fun run around the house grabbing them for your basket. (We had severe storms so we couldn't hide them outside...in fact, we lost power for a while at Auntie's.)  either way, we managed to have a positive memory on such a hard day. We were all together and that was what mattered the most. 

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