Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It does not seem like that long a go that Mama was holding you and cuddling you every free second of the day. You were so small and could not even support your own little head up - I would cradle your head and just breathe you in. Such a sweet baby smell. I just can not believe we are now potty training you - my heart slightly hurts at the thought. I don't mind changing your diapers, I don't mind being able to be there for all of your needs... You're growing up so fast and you don't need Mama as much as you used to.  I know that's a crazy Mom thought - we all want our children to grow up and thrive - become independent, be able to do things on their own. I want all of those things for you (of course!!) but I just am not ready for them yet. I still miss Ma so much ; she used to tell me how fast we grew up on her, I just laughed at my over protective mom... Goodness; how badly I wish I could tell her how right she was.  How badly I wish I could ask her if what we are doing is right - I googled potty training on the internet ... I just want to do things right, I want to be the best Mama possible for you - sometimes I just feel lost without my Mama though. You'll learn someday...mothers truly do know best. ;). 

You did have an accident today at Poppy's house - you peed in the potty but pooped in your big boy pants. Poppy said you were pretty devastated ; you cried and cried about it. He explained to you that accidents happen and it'll be fine. Besides for that one little goofup, you have done fantastic with potty training!!! I know there will plenty more "oopsies," but for now...I'm just so proud of your progress! 

We started a Tiny Athletes class yesterday - the focus of this class was soccer. The teacher asked if we gave you Mountain Dew for dinner ; oh lathan, you just never slow down!!! We just said nope! This is our boy...all day, every day!!! I never really think you are too wild and crazy until other people bring it to our attention about your energy level - it's never anything negative, just that you don't really slow down much.  Haha, you just love to ruuuuun. On a not so cherry note- You didn't really listen in class - which is frustrating - the "Coach" was trying to get you to kick the ball and you completely ignored him. You were too interested in doing "tricks" rather than doing what everyone else in the class was doing. Your tricks were mighty cool, but still. I am hoping that with time, you can learn to follow directions a little better... I don't really know how to enforce it except making you leave? Ugh, parenting isn't all kisses and cuddles sometimes!! 

You were upset with Kambree and said "Kambree Rush!!!!!" (Someone must hear Lathan Rush a lot) ;). Your vocabulary is so grown up,.. You crack us up. Grandpa Bye got the biggest kick out of you last week when we were visiting - she just kept talking about how smart you are and how impressed she was with you. Yup! Baby Genius!!!! 

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