Friday, May 8, 2015

Today, mama was offered a new job!  I will be the clinical coordinator at Washburn University- basically, I will be teaching radiation therapy at the university I graduated from. Baby boy, I made this move for you...I could not be anymore excited about it. Mama's old teacher, Becky, the current program director - sent me an email on my 30th birthday telling me that there was an opening and she wanted me to apply for it. I called and talked to her and she told me that the hours and the schedule is just so incredibly flexible she thought it would be perfect for our family so I could be with you. So I stayed up all night on my birthday getting my stuff together to apply and had my application in the mail a few days later. At my interview, they told me how flexible my schedule would be - I would be salary so I get paid whether in in the office or not - and I can leave and do stuff with you whenever I want! They said if you had a doctors appt, I just leave and do it - when you're in school, I can just leave and go to your stuff... It's just what I have always prayed for!  I know that Ma was working with god on this one!!!!!  I can not wait for this new opportunity. 

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