Sunday, January 15, 2017


Halloween Time!!! This year you had a really hard time choosing what you wanted to be. You said T-Rex, Mario, Bowser from Mario, but finally settled on a ninja turtle...again. :) You were Michaelango when you were two years old so Mama tried to talk you into doing something different...but you just did not budge. However, you decided that you wanted to be Leonardo this for the second year, you were a Ninja Turtle for Halloween.

Mama had to teach in the morning but you had your Halloween party at school anyhow. Daddy picked you up from school and then killed time until I could come meet you guys. We went to Great Aunt Theresa's job because they always give out SO much candy... we walk from cubicle to cubicle and leave there with a ton of candy! Aunt Sheena's mom Nancy painted your face for you again this year...she is a face-painter and does amazing work. Although your costume came with a mask, you were much happier to not have to wear it and have super fun halloween make up instead.

We met up with Tee and the girls and did some local Trunk or Treat's, went to the church to trick or treat, and then went to Poppy's neighborhood once it got dark. We walked several blocks and trick-or-treated. Mama's friend Kate and her daughter Ava walked around with us. By the end of the night, we were all exhausted, full from snacking on candy, and your bag of candy had more candy than you certainly needed. It was a successful night!

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