Sunday, August 26, 2012

You're scooting everywhere! You get up on your hands and knees, then rock forward, lay down and inch...then repeat! You move from one side of the room to the other doing that! Such a little inch worm! I wonder if you're ever going to do pretty darn good inching and bear crawling!

You still love the dogs! Each morning you look and look until Rocky peeks his head up at you from the floor...then you get the biggest smile! He gives you lots of do not know what to think about those though. You flinch and turn your little nose up...but you just keep going back for more!

You recently started taking a pacifier to help fall asleep... You look pretty cute with it! You still wake up several times a night...sometimes to eat, sometimes because you peed out your diaper, but most of the time you just want to be in bed with us! We have broken the rule we always said we wouldn' have ended up in bed with us A LOT! It is so hard not to...we know that's what you want, we are so tired, and honestly - I love cuddling with you! You only like to cuddle with cry on Lance's pillow. It makes him sad...but me HAPPY! :) So you lay on my pillow with me and your face is pressed up against mine. It's really hard to try and keep you in your crib when you look like such a little angel in ours. You do not want to stay in your crib are really struggling with separation anxiety at night time. You do not want to be alone at all!

You are such a little messer! You are into EVERYTHING! Your little head just goes back and forth trying to find something to get into! Goofy kid! You love playing with my cell phone and the remote... You change channels, turn it off, change the volume. You're so funny. You like to help turn off the lights and close the garage door. You definitely let us know when you want something!! You have mastered the temper tantrum!

You are doing a lot of interactive play- Kass coughs, you cough. I laugh, you laugh. Poppy claps, you clap. It's soooo cute!!!!! You mimic us a lot; it's amazing to see each new thing you learn each day!

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