Sunday, April 21, 2013

15 Months

Mama is having a hard time...but you are my little ray of sunshine! You make my heart smile when everything else around me is falling apart. You are so sweet, Lathan. Every time Mama starts to cry, you get this really sad face and either come give me a hug or just come rub my face.

I hope you love me like I love my mom. I have been thinking about that a lot...I wonder if you and I will have the kind of mother son relationship that my mom had with Uncle David. I hope you do... I know how much love I have in my heart for you and how I will always do any and every thing I can for you. I have also been thinking about how Ma must have felt looking at her children and her grandchildren and knowing that her time was limited with all of us; my heart just hurts at the thought of it. Please always know that you are my world Lathan... If anything were to ever happen to Mama, just know that you have made my life complete. I love your Daddy, but the love I have for you is completely different... It's a love you will understand once you have a child of your own.

In an attempt to be positive... We took you and actually had your first hair cut done! Daddy had trimmed it up before, but this time we actually had it done at a salon. You screamed bloody murder...until we gave you a chocolate chip cookie. :) Then you were fine! You look so stinking cute! You look like such a little boy though rather than my baby... :( You are going to be fifteen months tomorrow... The time is flying by.

We had your fifteen month appt and the doctor was very impressed with you! He said you are ahead of your milestones (Duh, you're a genius!!!!) You are 32 inches long (68%) and 23 lbs (30%) you are finally in a healthy weight range and he was very happy you are finally gaining weight! Yay!!!!

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