Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Your vocabulary is amazing these days!  You can actually form several word sentences - I just love listening to you talk.  You love the Sherriff Callie cartoons (a cartoon about the Wild West - Sherriff Callie is a cat and her friends are all different animals) Anyhow, so you picked up "western talk" and you have re-named your Daddy "partner". I think it is just the sweetest thing ever - when he picks you up from daycare you scream "my partner is here!!!" Something special with you two! (You've called me your best mama isn't jealous) ;)  you still call Mama "Baba," it's a cute little name that you came up with yourself - I don't exactly know how, but I like it. 

You also are really big into Disney CARS - specifically Lightning McQueen - a bright red racecar who is super fast - we have bought you several of the cars and we race them all the time. You like to re-enact the movie, specifically where King Car wrecks and McQueen says "the King has to finish his last race" and pushes him to the finish line - I couldn't tell you how many times we play that scene out daily. It's so cute to see your imagination and creative mind play - you use your memory to remember the exact lines from the movie and interactive play with daddy and I. I just love it. 

We celebrated the 4th past week - you had such a wonderful time. A wonderful week actually! Poppy took off most of the week and wanted to hang out with you, so you didn't go to daycare. You guys went toy shopping, fishing, swimming, and just played and played. July 3rd is our traditional shooting of fireworks at the lake - you really had a good time watching every thing, and just being outside in general! We kept you up late that night but not nearly as late as the actual July 4th celebration. We had our while family over for a BBQ and to swim, and then went to the cemetery to shoot fireworks off for Ma. It brings mama peace being there - I know that's only her body and not her soul, but I still feel closer to my mama being there. Afterwards, we all went to the lake for the big firework show - the whole family was there and the show was fantastic! You were kind if sleepy and asked to go home around 930... But the show starters at 10 any then you were asking for more! :) just like mama knew you would.  We met up with a bunch of family - poppy, auntie, Ezra, the girls, David and Sheena, great Gma pat, great aunt Debbie, great uncle Rodney, and distant cousins Jonny, crystal, Maria, Tyler, Connar, Austen, Trevor, and Malachi. It is always fabulous being with family! You cuddled up on mamas lap and watched the entir firework show.... At 1030 we headed home, by 10:32 you wer out cold! I knew my baby was sleepy. There was so much traffic it took us over an hour to get home... You slept the next say until 930. We even had to wake you up then! The rest of the weekend was spending time with David and Sheena before they had to go home to Wichita.  It was the cutest thing when you saw hem on the 3rd - we pulled up to the lake and you wer naming everyone you could see and Hahn you screamed Sheena!!! And even louder "and David's here!!!!" You loooove your uncle David. Or course you love everyone, but you just don't get to see him as much. 

You are really enjoying summertime - you finally love riding around in your Fisher Price jeep and your truck - we still steer for you though... You have driven into trees, ditches, Daddy's car without assistance.  As I said earlier, you love Lightning McQueen right now - so naturally you love to pretend your jeep is a race car. You rev the engine up so the tires just spin and you scream "I'm racing!!!" You also are auch a waterbug - you love swimming in your pool in your "swimming soups." We also bought you a lightning McQueen life jacket that you love to float around while Mama or Daddy holds you.  Daddy built you an outdoor chalkboard and hung it on the fence - yet another outdoor activity Little Lathan loves!  We play lots of tag, go on lots of nature walks, bike rides, and you help daddy pick up sticks and work in the garden.  We picked our first tomatoes yesterday and you took a big bite...then immediately spit it back out! :) 

Your temper tantrums have calmed down a lot... Thank goodness.  We started putting you in a booster seat rather than a high chair at restaurants and hat seems to help a lot.  You actually behave yourself now (for the most part) ;) We Are still working on insid voices and not hitting and punching whn you get angry.  I just remind myself you don't know how to express your emotions and I try and cqlm you down.  You're only two,.. You are ornery, loud, rambunctious, but in mamas eyes...youre Perfect. 

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