Friday, January 23, 2015

Well...I am the proud mama if a big three year old!  Enter sad face here!!!  :( I can not believe it has been three years since I held you for the first time, since you stole my heart and changed my world completely. Time is just going by too quick. I am so proud of who you are and who you have become...I just wish it would slow down. We celebrated your birthday last weekdnd ; Uncle Dave and Aunt Sheena were only available on that one Saturday so we scheduled it so they could come. His medical school schedule is so hectic, I am so thankful he makes time for family; they drove from Wichita for your party and that was it. Talk about being loved!!!! :) we had a huge, ridiculously over the top Lightning McQueen party - you know Mama can't keep parties in moderation! Sadly, over half of your party guests were unable to attend due to illnesses; this winter has been just awful for the stomach flu and the imfluenA virus- the flu shot is actually not working because the flu strain is immune to the vaccine. It's been a tough season- thank goodness Christmas has been your only illness setback so far. Anyhow, even though it was a small had a fabulous time!  The weather was actually 60 degrees so you and your friends and your girls played outside for a long time afterwards.  Daddy worked so hard to make a photo booth for you and your friends - it was so adorable!!! 

After everyone left your party, Mama and Daddy gave you your birthday present- a new lightning mcqueen bike!! We waited until people left because I always feel like we are bragging or trying to show off what we can afford; even though it is only a bike, I just still felt it was appropriate to do after your guests left. Anyhow, your bike is so big for you!!! The only options we had was a 12 inch or a 16 inch so we chose the larger one so you could use it longer. The bike has neat sound effects- you sit on it and we push you around...someday you'll learn how to actually ride it, but for now you think it's just pretty neat! 

I found a book Ma and Poopy bought you on your first birthday - she said she loved watching you grow up. It breaks my heart that was your only birthday she was here for - she was gone just a few months later. :( 

Mama took off on your birthday and spent the day doing your favorite things!  We couldn't actually go to too many places due to the flu epidemic, but Kambree came over to play, then we went to a pizza lunch buffet with auntie, Kambree, and poppy. You ate pizza until your little belly almost exploded, then we cuddled and watched the Lion King. After naptime, you wanted "chips and sauce" for dinner so we went and had Mexican food; they brought a huge icecream for the birthday boy! It was a perfect and relaxing birthday for you!  

Friday, daddy took off with mama and we hung out with our big three year old. We had your doctor appointment - she said you are obviously advanced, 83% for height, 21% for weight. We talked about your eating habits - she wasn't too terribly concerned but did say we should probably be a little more strict with making you at least try other things. We talked about your sleeping habits and she wasn't too concerned with that either - you'll sleep in your own bed eventually! Just enjoy the cuddles now! ;) 

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