Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spring is here. The weather has been in the 60's and 70's for the past few weeks- one day creeped all the way to 86!  You are loving it. We've had several afternoons at the park- you're such a little monkey there - climbing up the slide, climbing the ladders by yourself, Mr. Independent!!! One day you wanted to go climb the rocks at the lake (the dam) so we did just that. Once we got down to the lake you just wanted to stay and throw rocks into the water - I think it was a good hour before you got tired of doing that. Mama had a flashback of sitting beside Ma and doing that with her - her and poppy fished all the time and mama didn't like to fish...I would just sit there throw rocks in the water like you were doing. It made mama get sad - those memories of a happier time pop into my mind and remind me that there was a time that I wasn't motherless. Do you know how when you fall down and up run to mama to make it better?  That feeling of wanting/needing your mama never goes matter how old you are. Someday, you'll understand. Mama will always be here for you though - you'll always be my baby boy! 

Easter was last weekend - it was different but nice. Uncle Ezra, auntie, and the girls spent the weekend in Wichita - typically, we would all be together, but not this year. Daddy has been really busy with side work so we couldn't go to Wichita for the weekend, Poppy wanted to spend it with GG (his mama) so we all were split up for the day. That morning, we woke you up and told you the Easter bunny had came! You were so excited as you ran through the house collecting all the eggs- you thought it was so funny that the Easter bunny out eggs in your toys!  You found your Easter basket and all of your goodies - a kite, flowers to plant, flip flops, fun water bottles, socks, tons of candy, and lots more!!!  You (and me) ate so much candy that candy that morning...and then we headed off to church.  Church - well, you're still a work in progress. At one point you were laying on the ground spinning in circles, you dropped the hymnal on the floor about 100 times- landing on grandma bye's foot once, while listening to the very loudly and excitedly whispered "Jesus has risen! Mama! Jesus is back!"  Soooo church wasn't the greatest. Jonny's was nice though - they had an Easter egg hunt for you and Malachi - of course that was a race for you!  Although, you realized he was moving much slower so you did grab some eggs and out them in his basket!  So sweet. You ended up with so so so much candy!!! They had a huge lunch over there but we didn't eat... Auntie was headed back to town and we were going to have a late dinner and egg hunt at Poppy's house.  Dinner was very were very happy to see the girls and hunt eggs in the backyard with them. The plastic eggs were full of candy and money or as you say "treasures for your piggy bank."  The Easter bunny brought you a tackle box filled with candy and various you're ready to fish!!!! 

Mama turned 30!!!! Eeeeek!!!!!  We didn't do a whole lot- I didn't work so we slept in (to 730) and cuddled in bed watching cartoons. Auntie and Kambree came over to play and then we all went to meet poppy, Debbie, and grandma bye for lunch. I'm at the age where hanging out with you and visiting with family is my ideal day. So my 30th birthday was quite relaxing!  

Mama took a leap of faith and applied for a career switch. On my birthday; the Washburn University radiation therapy program director emailed me and told me there would be a job opening in the program. She said the hours are really flexible and she thought it would be a great job for me that way I could be available for your future school events. Mama wants it SO SO SO bad ; I don't want to work out of town, traveling all over, having you in daycare so many hours, etc etc. This would be a great opportunity for our family and I just hope that this happens for us - whatever's supposed to happen will happen though. Mama should know by next month. Fingers crossed and prayers!!!! 

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