Thursday, July 16, 2015

So I have been at Washburn University for two weeks and I could not be any happier with the career move - my little Man gets to sleep in until after 7 now - a whole hour later than you used to!  Plus, we don't have to rush around and hurry - if I get to work at 8, great.  815, 830 - well that's ok too!  There have been a few afternoons where I got off at 1 and was able to go pick you up and lay you down for your nap ... this is just so fantastic! More time to be a MAMA!!!!

We had the 4th of July two weeks a go - we did our typical stuff.  Shot off fireworks on the 3rd and you really enjoyed watching every thing... you would walk out with us to light something but before we even got a chance to light it you were running away to watch the firework.  Safer that way.  :)  On the 4th, we went to Ma's grave and did some fireworks for her, then had everyone over in the evening for the typical BBQ/ swim party at our house.  Then, we went to Lake Shawnee to watch their big fireworks show...last year when we went, we went pretty far onto the West side of the lake which meant that traffic was took well over an hour for us to get home so we decided to stay on the East side of the lake this time.  We were home in two minutes afterwards...BUT we didn't have nearly the amazing seats that we did last time so it didn't really keep your interest like last year.  You hardly watched the show at all...but that's ok.  They were pretty far away and you are only 3 and a half years old...your attention span still struggles.

We have really been working on sharing lately - you struggle with that a lot. Only child syndrome.  You also have the highest and most SHRILL scream when you do not get your we are working on that as well.  We try to explain to you that when you scream or just start crying, Mama and Daddy have no idea what you want... so "Use your big boy words" is a phrase that we use a lot these days. 

You are SUCH a sweetheart though...I think I say that all the time...but you really are.  "I love you SO much Mama" is something that I just can not hear enough and you wrap your little arms around my just can not get any better than that.  Sometimes during naptime, you ask mommy and daddy to lay with you and I just know that that is when you are the happiest in the world..when it is the three of us.  We are your world and you are ours.... so we lay down with you and you put an arm over each one of us and fall asleep.  Again, life just can not get any better than this.  :)

You are still incredibly picky when it comes to eating at, waffles, hotdogs, pancakes, lunchables, peanut butter and jelly, chicken nuggets....that is pretty much your food staples.  Slightly better than it used to be because you will actually eat chicken and fruit now...but we still have so far left to go.  Nancy said you eat a lot for her though and at least try everything with one bite...not sure how the heck she gets you to do that because when I try to get you to at least try one clamp down your little jaw, and there is no changing your mind.

We bought a bicycle seat for Daddy's bike so you can actually ride on the back with us rather than be pulled in that bicycle wagon - you feel pretty neat up there.  We went on a ride the other night and you kept telling us how much fun you were having the whole time - after five miles, you were over it though.... time to go home. 

You are really enjoying summer - you love to ride your bicycle, go for walks, play on your swingset, swim in your pool, or play BASEBALL!  Gosh, you love baseball.  Daddy spends a lot of time throwing the ball to you outside and you do amazing hitting it....mama is your cheerleader and after you hit it, you run over to get a big hug from me on the sidelines.  You get so proud of yourself and we all cheer so loud for you.  :)

You still say Poopie way too much -  it somehow finds its way into almost every sentence you say.  The other day we were getting ready for work and daycare and out of no where you say "Mama, Kambree says Poopie all the time...I tell her No Kambree! We don't say Poopie - that is disgusting - but she still says it."  I laughed and laughed.  First of all, IF kambree does say poopie, its because she learned it from you.  Second of all, you are NOT telling her not to say it, you are encouraging it and probably saying it right along with her.  Haha.  You are always blaming poor kambree for everything.  The two of you have gotten pretty close though - the older she gets, the less the 13 month age difference between the two of you is noticeable. You love all of your girls, but I am glad that you are enjoying her so much now too.  You do fight like brother and sister though - that's what happens when you spend so much time together though.  You call them your sisters and they call you brother.  So cute.

In news not related to you - but a few weeks a go the USA decided to allow same sex couples to legally marry. It makes me so happy that you will be raised and not have to see that type of discrimination - it's something that will not affect us personally, but it is just a huge deal in general. It's definitely something that will be huge in the history books - just like the civil rights movement or equal rights for women - just one more step to equality for everyone. I just want he world to be a peaceful place for you - I know that won't be the case bc it's actually so evil...but this was a positive and good move towards a better world for all. 

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