Thursday, July 23, 2015

Yesterday was your half birthday!!! I can not believe that you are 3 and a half - I still just find it so hard to believe.  The days and the years have truly gone by so fast and sometimes I seriously just want ot cry at the thought. Yes, 3 and a half is still a very young age - but I know that the next 3 and a half years will go just as fast.  And then the next three and a half years after that and so on and so on.  You already tell me that you are not my baby - you are a big boy.  Break my heart in a million pieces.  That is why I take all those extra special cuddle times, I love snuggling you in bed, I love carrying you around places, I love holding you, I will take every minute of it because I know there will be a time soon where I will not get that opportunity anymore. 

This was the first year that Mama was not off work to spend your half birthday with you - I did get off early and pick you up - but I did have to go to Washburn...I guess being such a new employee, I should actually go to work :) Mama got off and picked you up from Nancy's - I asked you what kind of cake you wanted (Duh, you know Mama bakes you half a birthday cake every year) you told me you wanted a cake with a big Spiderman on it.  "Well Lathan, Mama can not make a Spiderman cake... do you want chocolate, white, strawberry?"  "Spiderman.  If I can not have Spiderman then it is not my half birthday and I do not want a cake."   (You little brat, haha.)  So this was the first year that I did not bake you half a cake either... instead, Daddy ran to the store and picked you up a little store bought cake with a big Spiderman toy on top.  It said "Happy Birthday SpiderLathan" on it.  Kassidy and Kambree were over while Kendalyn was at her swimming lessons and so we sang "happy half birthday to you" and we all enjoyed a piece of your Spidey cake.  You were very excited.  I think you might be a little spoiled...not quite sure, but I kind of think so.)

This week you have been attending VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL!!!!!!  It is not at our church - West Side Christian Church - but at the Shawnee Heights Church right down the street.  Kendalyn and Kassidy went last year and so I thought we would give it a shot this year.  You really are such a big boy!  Mama had student orientation at work on Monday so you missed the first day - but you went on Tuesday and had the time of your little life.  It is technically supposed to be for 4 year olds but I asked them if you could go and they said YEP!   It is softball it is right up your alley.  The first day Mama took you up there, you were hesitant to go until Kassidy took your hand and led you to the front.  Auntie and Mama sat in the back to watch for a few minutes - I had all intention of staying there with you the whole time though, of course.  So they started by singing two songs, doing a bible verse, and a short little teaching.  The songs are fun ones that you can dance to and have hand movements that go along with it - it made Mama's heart just so happy as I watched you sing and dance while learning about God and Jesus.  Mama was SO active in West Side Christian church growing up and it is really quite sad that our church is not the way it used to be - they do not have a very large child population so they don't do a lot of the activities with the youth that they used to do when Mama was younger.  Hopefully I can help change that.  I told Daddy that I wanted to talk to the church and see if I can help get a Vacation Bible School planned for next year.  Anyhow, I got completely back to what I was saying....seeing you jump and dance around while learning about the Lord made me so happy (and Ma's heart so happy in heaven...she always wanted you to be raised in the church.)  After a few minutes, Auntie told me that I really needed to let you attend VBS on your own - so I thought I would just see how you would do knowing that I was leaving.  You blew me a kiss, waved me off, and told me you would see me later.  I have never felt so weird in my life - I have never dropped you off anywhere (besides Nancy - where you have been going now for years) but you really are such a big boy now. 

Each day in vacation bible school starts with singing and ends with the same songs - there is a bible lesson, snacks, and softball in between.  Today when Daddy and I dropped you off, the man asked us if you were left-handed....he said wow!! He hits REALLY good!  I do not think Daddy could have looked any prouder.  Haha.  Tomorrow, Friday, is the last day and you will put on a little concert and show the parents everything that you have learned.  It is family softball game night from 6-8 and we are just so excited to go with you. 

The other day you were riding in Daddy's truck and he said you were really paying attention to the sun on your arm...really studying it shining in.  Daddy asked what you were doing and you informed him that the sunlight turns on your powers and when the sun goes away...your powers go away.  You then told him that you had ninja turtle powers.  Good Lord your imagination has really taken off! haha.  Who knows where you come up with this stuff from.... all I know is I love hearing it! :)

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