Friday, November 6, 2015

We have had an exciting week! Halloween was this past weekend - you were one super awesome SPIDERMAN!  We had bought you a costume with a mask but you refused to wear the mask - it actually worked out perfect though because Sheena's Mama owns "Aunt Nancy's Face Painting" so we just went to her house and she had her employees get you and the girls all painted up perfect.  Your face looked AMAZING!  Kendalyn and Kassidy were zombies and talk about creepy - they really enjoyed playing that role. When you looked in the mirror after seeing your face - absolutely priceless.  You were so excited! We went to Trunk-or-Treat at our church, stopped to eat Taco Casa (just like last year) and then just did some trick or treating around the neighborhood.  Uncle David and Aunt Sheena were in town so we all walked as a big group and then went back to Poppy and Ma's house to watch the Royals game.  We let you stay up late to finish the game and watch the boys in blue win the 3rd game of the World Series.

WELL....just a few days after Halloween the Kansas City Royals won the World Series - first time since 1985!  I woke you up the morning after they won and told you that the Royals were World Champions - you said "Yes! Yes! Yes! The Royals are my team!  Not the Mets!!!!" (which is who they were playing.)  Daddy convinced Mama to take off work to go to Kansas City for their "welcome home" parade. So we surprised Kendalyn and Kassidy and took them with us - we also took Nancy's son Zack. Talk about INSANE!  We were a small group amongst the other 800,000 people that showed up in downtown Kansas City to welcome the Royals home - needless to say, we could not see a single thing. We could not walk, could not move, could not breathe - but you will be able to say that you a part of what is being called the "biggest celebratory parade in history." There was a moment when Daddy had Kendalyn on his shoulders, Kassidy was on my shoulders and I was holding you as well - talk about a sore back afterwards!

Yesterday, you were scheduled to get a flu shot. Mama had been trying to prep you for it - we talked about being brave and how it will be just a little pinch for a really quick second. Poppy picked you up from daycare where you told him repeatedly "Daddy is picking me up from daycare to take me to the doctor - I am NOT getting a shot." Uh-oh. We were a little concerned how you would act when Daddy actually took you to the doctor for it - but you were so BRAVE!  Daddy said the nurse told you to look at the wall and count to 5 - you made it to 3 and she gave you the shot and Daddy said for a minute your eyes got big and a little watery like you might cry but never did. Daddy told you we were going to go to Orange Leaf and then that was all it took- you were completely fine!

On the way to daycare today you told Mama "Mama...I have BAD news!"
"What's wrong baby?"
"The doctor told me bad news.... doctor doctor gave me the news. I got a bad case of loving you!"

Oh my goodness....I about died laughing. I reached back and grabbed your hand and we laughed and laughed. I do not think that you could be any cuter.

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