Saturday, June 11, 2011

Seven Weeks

33 weeks left!!!

"The baby is the size of a blueberry - .25 inch long and .04 an ounce.  By now, the baby's head is proportionally larger then the rest of the body and the ears and eye lids are developing. The upclose view of my baby is now looking more like a baby and less like a reptilian one.  My baby's webbed fingers and toes are differentiating now from the arm and leg buds which now have distinguished wrists and elbows that can even flex!  His or her heart beat is beating at an incredible rate of 150 beats per minute!  He or she is growing so fast!"

"My uterus, usually the size of a fist, has grown to the size of an grapefruit which is why it's common to feel abdominal cramping or even a tightening or contraction-like pain.  Whether it's unlikely I look pregnant from the outside, I most certainly fel pregnant on the inside.  Clothes might begin to feel a little tight around the tummy and it might be time to purchase a bigger bra!"

Boy!  Doesn't that sound about exact!?! I feel SO bloated all the time and all I want to wear is loose clothing...and it's only my eighth week of pregnancy.'s going to be a LONG nine months!  Thankfully I still feel pretty darn good though...haven't had any morning sickness at all (yet.)  My belly has felt slightly upset a few times but nothing severe.  My main pregnancy symptoms so far has been very sore breasts and EXTREMELY tired!  It's so hard for me to keep my eyes open after a long day at work... but so far, I'm enjoying my pregnancy.  It still hasn't really sank in yet... our first OB appointment is July 5th and that's when we will hopefully get news of a healthy heartbeat!

On a HORRIBLE note...we lost Snoball on Tuesday, June 7th.  I've cried all week.  Our family got him when I was in the sixth grade and he's been one of the best (ornery) dogs we could have asked for...and he's been the best friend to Rocky possible.  My parents are taking it especially hard because he was the third member of their home...after fifteen years with him it's hard to not have him greet us at the door or to bark for our foods or wrestle with Rocky.  It's so hard.  We buried him last night in the back yard and we all cried and cried and cried.  You don't realize how important or how large a part of the family he was until he passed away... the house is so quiet now.  His presence is everywhere though...I still see him running laps in the back yard or sleeping under the bushes during the summer, I see him chasing David and me up the slide on the swing set in the back yard while we played "great white shark."  I see him sleeping on the couch and getting mad if anyone else was sitting there, I hear his long claws on the kitchen floor, I see Rocky jumping on his back and removing his collar so he could carry it around in his mouth, I see him standing in front of us at dinner time and barking and barking until we give him a bite of what was on our plates, I see him tearing my mom's rose bush and carrying it to her like he just did her a favor... I see me being SO excited to see him after he was gone for the weekend on a hunting trip and just running up and kissing him before I greeted my dad. I remember having to drive around so many times looking for him because he took an afternoon to himself and was running the neighborhood trying to find a girlfriend..He was just such a funny funny dog that I'm going to miss so incredibly much.  R.I.P. Snoballs....I love you and I know Grandpa Tino will take care of you. 

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