Monday, November 28, 2011

32 Weeks!

Holy moly...32 freaking weeks! I can't even believe it. (I know I say that every single post but I literally get so freaked out every time I think about how close we are to meeting this little baby boy!) I must admit...I have felt pretty darn miserable lately as he gets bigger and bigger inside this growing belly! I think he has definitely dropped because there is sooooo much pressure on my pelvis. My legs and feet are swollen every night after work and my toes look so fat :) That is alright, nothing a little elevation won't fix...I just prop those babies up for a little bit and the swelling disappears and suddenly I have ankles again! Just like magic! My fingers...not so much. I had to finally stop wearing my rings this past weekend...I look like I am having a child out of wedlock now. I miss my gorgeous rings...

Thanksgiving was last week...Lance and I were originally going to host it at our house but I decided it might be too much work so Rebecca and Ezra did instead. They did a great job and how it all decorated in fall and harvest decorations... My entire family was there and we had more food then we could have even thought about eating! It was a wonderful day. That sorrow was there though as was the first thanksgiving without Grandpa. Last year I spent it at the Hospice House with him and I am so thankful I had that special Thanksgiving time with him...I had no idea that a week later he would be gone. We wanted to have new traditions this year so we didn't do it at my grandparents house and I'd say it was a success.

Black Friday. What a crazy tradition! This year my mom and I decided we were not in the shape to participate... Lance really didn't want me going because he was afraid the crowds would bump into me and I'd get hurt or the baby would. He also preached my mom didn't need to be out there... So I took his advice and we didn't go. Instead, we sent my dad and him to get a few items and they were quite shocked at how crazy it was! LOL! He came home appalled at two women getting in a fight over a hilarious. Welcome to the world of Black Friday my darling! My mom was kind of bummed that she couldn't go this year so my Aunt Theresa came and picked us up and we decided to just drive around and make fun of the the people in those ridiculous lines...and you know what? We had just as much fun as if we would have actually shopped! It was a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

This Thursday is the one year of my grandpa's death and my heart gets heavier with each minute as it gets closer. It just stirs up all that heartbreak and pain we all felt this time last year. I still think about him daily. Friday, my mom has her scans to check the progress of the chemotherapy. I'm terrified for her but I'm just keeping the faith that she gets good news and can get some peace of mind.

This Saturday and next Sunday I have baby showers! Super excited! (This Saturday is with Lance's family so I'm super nervous about what drama is going to occur but I know that Lance will not let them ruin this special day for us. I have faith in my husband.) Next Sunday is the one my mom and sister are throwing and then the first weekend of January my best friend Kate is having a dinner for my closest friends as a third shower! Mix those in with the holidays and holiday parties and holy's going to be a busy couple months!!!!

I'll end by posting a few more of our maternity pictures! :)

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