Saturday, July 14, 2012

Well baby boy! You continue to grow and amaze us! You can finally do the tripod... You can sit on your own! I think you've been capable of doing it for a while but you're a lazy little stinker so you usually just try to lay back down or roll over once you're sitting up. The other day though, you sat up and just stared at Rocky for the longest time! Adorable!!

You are still such a wild little man! You love to wrestle and the rougher the better. You scream, holler, and laugh so loud when we scare you, tickle you, or just say "I'm gonna get you..." Sometimes, you "get us" and you bury your head in our necks and growl and wrestle back. We have so much fun with you!

Those two top teeth are still giving you trouble. The bottom two came in with little fuss but the new two are really rough. You are always chewing on your hands, drooling, and you want everything to go in your mouth! Those bad teeth!

It was pretty cute... Today your daddy was holding you and showing you yourself in the mirror and you kept reaching for your daddy in the mirror for him to hold you... Haha. You did not understand that he actually was holding you! You're so cute and funny!

Your Auntie Rebecca found out the other day that she is pregnant again!!! You're going to be a big cousin! I am very excited to be an aunt again because I just love Kendalyn and Kassidy so incredibly much! I bet she has another little girl. :)

I have had a couple friends lately that have had babies and unfortunately they are pretty sick. One had a stroke in the womb and the other has a brain bleed...I know this is a serious topic for your happy book but it just made me realize even more how thankful and blessed we are for you. My heart aches for those parents who are hurting right now with their innocent babies being so sick; it makes me realize how lucky we are to have a healthy little man like you. So much could go wrong and so much almost did go wrong - you swallowing the meconium, the cord being wrapped around your neck, your blood sugar being so low, etc. I was so naive and did not understand the severity and the seriousness of all of those things... I am so blessed and so thankful we have a happy and healthy little boy who loves us just like we love him! I pray for all of those families that have sick babies and I pray for your future little cousin to be healthy as well.

Your Ma has her scans on Tuesday... Thousands of prayers for good results. She means the world to our family so we need good news!

Love you my little stinker!

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