Thursday, July 26, 2012

Six Months!

Wow! It's exciting and sad at the same time. I have always heard people say "They grow up too fast..." but I had no idea how accurate those statements were. It truly seems like just yesterday.

We had your six month appointment yesterday which meant big bad shots. They just broke your little heart; you were so happy, kicking your little feet and laughing away until they gave you the three pokes- it was the saddest little cry. Daddy handed you to me immediately and I was able to love on you and make you stop crying. It's so sad seeing you hurt. You'll understand when you have kids. The shots were really hard on you this time... That evening you fussed and cried so much. You didn't want me to put you down at all and your daddy had softball - I ended up putting you in your bathtub and you cheered up pretty fast. You splashed and kicked water everywhere... Then it was milk and night night time! A few hours later you woke up screaming- Lance tried to rock you back to sleep but that was not what you wanted! Soooo...I fed you again and put you back to sleep. Half an hour later... You woke up crying again. We ended up putting you in bed with us and it's amazing! You slept perfect! You spoiled thing! :)

You are 27 inches long and over 18 lbs. Such a big boy!!!! You're considered skinny for your height. You are very advanced in all of your milestones and the doctor said almost all of your front teeth are coming in...that explains the constant drooling and chewing. Your two bottoms are all the way in, the two beside them are about to poke through, and the four on top are poking through.

You had baby food for the first time! Sweet potatoes! You made the funniest "yuck face.". You made quite the mess but you successfully ate 3 or 4 spoonfuls! Haha. We talked to the doctor about cereal making you fussier so she told us to stop doing that for a few weeks and see how baby food treats your little belly.

We did your six month pictures; I could not be any more in love with them! You are absolutely freaking adorable!! One of my close friends, Danielle, did them for us...she did AMAZING!!!!

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