Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Almost six months!!!!!

Your Ma's scans came back showing drastic improvement!!!! Thank God! I knew that they probably would be good with how much better she has been looking and feeling lately... She holds and cuddles you all the time! You even "jump jumped" on her lap the other day! Sometimes you are too rough for her but for the most part she has been able to love up on you rather than just watch and talk to you while someone else holds you. You have no idea how happy this makes me!

Your current favorite thing to do is to give "High Five's!" You grab our hands and hold it so you can high five it over and over and over. You are so funny! Your teeth are still hurting you but I think they are slowly getting better. Kendalyn has lost a lot of hers and so she's this little toothless thing and you're working so hard to get yours in'

Mama and daddy are going to open you a savings account this week. We do not have a lot of extra money but we will do our absolute best to deposit some each week so you can use that for college in the future. My parents always put our education above anything else and I want to do the same for you; I just know you will make us so very proud someday. Who am I kidding? You make me so proud everyday!!!

You have your six month appointment next week... That means shots :( God, it just breaks my heart hearing you cry with them. Your daddy will be there to support me... Haha. It's sad that I need support when YOU get shots! We just love you so much.

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