Friday, November 2, 2012

First Halloween!

Well my little monkey! You went trick or treating this past Wednesday! Of course by trick or treating I mean going to a few families houses to show off your costume. We did let you try a sucker and you absolutely loved it. You fussed and fussed when we finally took it away from you. We do not usually give you sugar or sweets (YET) so it was something special for you that night!

I only worked half a day on Halloween so I met your Auntie Rebecca and we went to your Great Aunt Theresa's job to walk around with KassKass. You did great with your costume...I was ready for you to completely refuse to wear it, but you left it on the entire time. After there, we went to Daddy's job so he could show you off to all your co-workers! Of course they all LOVED you! He said everyone was talking about you after we left. It was naptime after your two outings so we went to Ma's and you slept while I got to visit with her and Kassidy. THEN we went with them to Kendalyn's Halloween parade... You loved all the costumes so much. You sat on Mama's lap and just clapped and clapped!  Kassidy was a kitty cat and Kendalyn was Rapunzel.  After the parade, we just waited until it was time to go "trick or treating."  We basically just went to a few houses and then went home...nothing too crazy!  You were pretty tired by the end of your long day - but I would say that your first Halloween was a success.  You had a sucker, kept on your costume, got to trick or treat with your cousins, and had some valuable family time as well. 

Earlier in the week, your daycare was closed.  I was unable to take off work due to a co-worker already being off; thankfully, your daddy switched his week day shift for a weekend it all worked out!  He was looking forward to his special time with you!  That morning he sent me pictures of you watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (your favorite show!)  We have a little Mickey chair for you that you just love to sit in and watch your look like such a little man!  Haha.  Anyhow, he sent me several pictures of you within a thirty second are such a boy of many expressions. When I got the pictures at work, I just CRACKED UP!  You are hilarious, Lathan! Absolutely HILARIOUS!!!! 

You and him came and visited mama at work that day for lunch...everyone in my office loved you too.  (surprise, surprise.)  We went downstairs to the cafeteria and we had a nice long lunch break together... it was great.  Nothing makes the workday better then seeing my favorite guys right in the middle of it!  :)
After you left, I guess you and him drove to Memorial Stadium. He said since you are already a little Jayhawk, you needed to see the KU Football Stadium. It does not matter that they are completely horrible...once a fan, always a fan! :)

Other little facts...You continue to sleep in our bed...usually on my pillow with me!  Your daddy always tries to steal you from me...but you love cuddling with your mama! I love it....but sometimes I miss my pillow :) I am trying to ween you from multiple night time feedings...but you love your milk. You still wake up at least once a night...usually twice. My fat kid. In all honesty though, you are far from fat. The doctor says we need to push the calories since you have not gained weight, soooo go ahead and eat away! You crawl like a little maniac, pull up on everything, walk around furniture, let go and just stand there. You haven't taken any steps without holding onto something yet, but I know it is only a matter of time! The poor doggies think they have it bad now! :) You chase after them, lay on them, try and ride them, crawl over them, and so on and so on. They just sigh. :) They are great with you. You eat milk about four to five times a day, and you eat between 5 and 6 jars of baby food a day as well. (Second foods, of course. You can not handle any texturized foods.) You wear 9-12 month depends on the store whether you can still fit in nines. It's because you are super tall!!!

We let you ride in your Power Wheels today! First time! You loved it... You do not quite understand how to drive it yourself so we stand behind you and push the pedal. Our backs just LOVE that! :)

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