Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas is so magical with you. We spent so many nights driving around looking at Christmas lights- your eyes would just light up, even if the house had a simple strand or two- you loved seeing any lights at all. We spent so many hours singing and dancing to Christmas music (your favorites this year were I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, The little drummer boy, frosty, and Rudolph.) mama and you had several baking days and you would always suggest turning in Christmas music, then you would say "that'd be a good idea." So mama would turn on kids Christmas station and we would laugh and sing along. Making memories like that are so important - I have so many wonderful memories from my childhood and I want you to have the same. My parents didn't have the most money growing up but that never mattered to them or us- we had such a happy home and I want you to look back and smile about your childhood like mama does hers. You had a lot of fun making sugar cookies- you never took a bite of one (neither did mama, I don't like sugar cookies either) but you loved using the cookie cutters, helping me frost them, and pouring ridiculous amounts of sprinkles on each one. We made Nancy (your daycare provider) two large containers of goodies...when we were making the Reese's cookies (that you love) you told me that maybe nancy could make her own Reese's cookies and you would keep these. Ha. You kept some but nancy definitely got her cookies too.
You helped mama wrap a million presents - I smiled when I remembered how my Mom would corral us when we were trying to help when she wrapped. She would fold the paper and give us the important job of holding it down
So she could tape it. Thanks for the tip, mom. That was your super important job this Christmas too ;) 
Every year, Auntie takes the girls shopping at the Dollar Tree and they choose our presents for everyone. This was the first year I took you to do the same. Mama has two weeks off of work for the holidays but Daddy does not- so sadly, he missed out on this adorable shopping trip! You chose Planes wrapping paper and Ninja Turtle name tags that way everyone knew they were your gifts. You were so excited to shop- you were adamant that you were going to carry the shopping basketball by yourself, but that lasted about twenty seconds ;) I had the greatest time doing this with you- I think some of your gifts were so incredibly random but you were so proud and excited of each one...the randomness made them that much more special! Daddy got a blue loofah...when I asked if that was for a girl or a said "that's for a man!" Poppy got shampoo (the fact that poppy is bald made mama laugh inside.) Uncle Ezra got a large mirror, Auntie got a green bird, Kendalyn got a toy guitar, Kassidy got a rhino toy that makes sounds when you too it over, Kam got the same thing but in a tiger form, Aunt Sheena got a yellow bird, and uncle David got a green cup. "Uncle Dave will really love this." Was what you said as you chose it. In line to pay, you decided you needed to get mama "hand polish" so you chose a bright pink polish for me and a toy motorcycle for yourself. We came home and wrapped them up immediately :) 
Daddy did hi infamous Christmas Eve shopping, so you and me went to Grinchmas" with auntie, uncle Ezra, and the girls. It was a church program that was based around the grinch ...absolutely adorable! You were in awe! I so wish our church did big productions like was definitely amazing. 
Christmas morning, we woke you up and you were so excited to see if Santa had came! You had set out cookies and milk for him the night before and you said you were going to try and listen for him. When we woke you up, you told us that you didn't think he had came because you dint hear him. However, when you made it to the living room and saw all the presents under the could not have been anymore excited! You ran to see if Santa had eaten your cookies- which he had! Dusty was also sitting there in he cookie plate so in sure he helped Santa eat the incredibly sprinkled sugar cookies ;). Our fireplace doors were still open from Santa coming down the chimney and get this... There was a piece of santas coal that must have gotten snagged and was stuck in the door!!! You were just certain he was going to come back for it. Santa had also left his magic Christmas glitter on the fireplace. Amazing!!!!! 
You were definitely spoiled this year - not just at our house but everywhere!!! At our house you got a big slide for the basement, lots and lots of toys, puzzles, movies, books, your stocking was over flowing with candy! We had a brunch at poppy's house which was so nice and relaxing. There was a million presents there for you too- talk about sensory overload. We joked that you were going to have a heart attack if you didn't slow down a bit, I had to tell you a few times to sit down and take some breaths. You were so cute! You did not quite understand that other people had presents to open too were just running around trying to help everyone open their presents, you wanted to here every one of your presents out of their boxes and play with everything immediately. ( Poppy bought you a big batman play set which seems to be the Christmas hit this year. We have spent many hours playing with it since.) after Poppy's, we went to great grandma kathys where you had even more presets, and then great grandma party's for EVEN MORE!!!! By the time we got home around 8, mama and you were easy to crash. Which is exactly what we did. What a long but wonderful day!  

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