Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Adventures of Dusty

Day 1: Toilet Papered our Living Room
Day 2: Dusty was sitting out with a tea cup full of milk and opened up your favorite breakfast - chocolate chip muffins. You caught him just in time though before he was able to eat anything!
Day 3:Dusty was fishing goldfish crackers out of the bathroom sink - he caught three!
Day 4: Dr. Dusty had a stethoscope on and was checking Mickey;s heart.
Day 5: That ornery little elf was sitting in the bathroom on the christmas tree - he had put christmas bows all over the bathroom mirror!
Day 6: Listen to this! Dusty colored, cut, and pasted a mustache onto your picture!
Day 7: Dusty put streamers across the hallway entrance so you had to break through them to get into the livingroom - SILLY DUSTY!!!!

Day 8: Buzz Lightyear and his Army-Men friends must have gotten tired of Dusty's ornery shenanigans - we found him taped to the wall while Buzz and the Army Men surrounded him. You were not very happy - you kicked over the army men and threw buzz on the stove to "cook" him. YIKES!
Day 9: Dusty turned our bananas into MINIONS!!! We found him sitting on top of them holding the permanent marker.
Day 10: We found Dusty sitting on top of your Woody remote controlled racecar - he apparently was racing Lightning McQueen last night and WON! Buzz and him must have reconciled their friendship because he was controlling the remote control and helped Dusty to win! :)
Day 11: We found that bad little elf in the bathroom with shaving cream on his face and your Daddy's razor - oh my!
Day 12: Every morning, you help make Mama's coffee. Dusty was trying to steal your job! We found him by my Keurig trying to make some coffee!
Day 13: Dusty was in the bathroom sitting on your Lightning McQueen potty...he had pooped marshmallows!!!!!!!
Day 14: Dusty decorated the dining room with christmas lights! They started on the kitchen floor and we followed the trail to the dining room - they were wrapped all around the table, chairs, and chandeliers! You loved it!!!
Day 15: Dusty and his friends (Mickey Mouse, Kitty Kat, and a Snowman) were playing Candyland this morning.
Day 16: Dusty tried to rob your piggy bank. We found him in the living room with your blue piggy bank and he had gotten some of your change out - we caught him just in time! We put it all back in your bank. Bad Dusty!
Day 17: Dusty cornered Rudolph with your marshmallow gun.
Day 18: I woke up and could not find my glasses anywhere - I woke you up and told you that I had lost them. You said "Mama, you need those!" So we woke up and walked around the house to find them...DUSTY had taken them and was wearing them as reading glasses! He was reading a book to all of his friends. You were so happy to have helped find my glasses.
Day 19: After waking you up, you told me that I had something all over my face. That bad little elf had drew ALL OVER Mama's face - he put spots all over my face and gave me whiskers. I looked like a cat!!!! You laughed and laughed!
Day 20: Dusty turned three rolls of toilet paper into a snowman! Dusty the Snowman!
Day 21: We found Dusty in the living room riding your bike!!!!
Day 22: OH MY GOODNESS! Dusty took all of your underwear and decorated the Christmas tree with them!!!!!!
Day 23: Dusty made you cinnamon rolls for breakfast! He said they were from the North Pole! 
Day 24: Silly Dusty crawled into your race car bed last night- we found him all warm and comfy under your covers and sound asleep on your pillow. (You were comfy in mama's bed) 
Day 25: Dusty bought you pajamas to wear and he wrapped them up for you! However, he must have gotten a little too excited bc he started to unwrap them himself- we found him halfway inside your present! 
Day 26: He was sitting on the milk and cookies plate you left for Santa. He must have helped Santa eat all those delicious sugar cookies you made him :) 

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