Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eleven Days....

Well we had another doctor's appointment today and everything is still looking good. Thank goodness the bed rest is working! It is driving me crazy not being able to do anything...but my body does feel 100% better since I have not had to work all those crazy hours - so the bed rest is a blessing! Although, I really wouldn't mind having the little guy... But as long as the bed rest is working...he's quite happy and quite pleased being in my belly. He has no intention of going anywhere... Soooo we will make him! :) January 21 - eleven days from today is my induction date!

Since finding out the exact date we are going to meet the little fella...it really has made me think. I have really enjoyed being pregnant...and it does make me sad at the thought of this journey being almost over. It has not been easy the last few months and I know I whine and complain all the time about ready to be done...but the reality is, I'm torn on it. I've loved feeling all the elbows and kicks, I've loved having Lance kiss my belly and talk to him in there, it's just something special knowing I was carrying a life inside of me. I know it will be extremely special bringing that life into the world...but then I have to share him. He's been all mine for the past nine months... I am not happy about having him out in this world for everyone else. It has just been so very special...and there is definitely a part of me that will miss it. I think that getting pregnant was absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to Lance and I. I always loved him but it is just on a completely different level now - the way he stepped up and has taken amazing care of me over this pregnancy...the way he talks about his unborn son, the way he looks at me, I just have never felt so loved or so respected by anyone and I have never felt this strongly towards anyone either. I have this respect for him as a man, husband, and father...it has truly brought us to a different level as a couple. I look so forward to seeing him hold our baby for the first time...I just know he will be amazing as a father and my love and respect for him will only continue to grow...even though it seems like it couldn't possibly be any stronger.

My family is just so extremely excited for the little man to get here...my mom has her next scans in February and I pray pray pray they remain stable. I just hope she gets to enjoy her time with her first grandson without having that fear and anxiety in the back of her mind. Kendalyn and Kassidy talk about him all the time and tells me constantly how much they love him already! "I love you Steen's baby..." is what Kassidy says all the time. Kendalyn just calls him Baby Collins...It's adorable! :)

Lance and I have a date night planned tonight...he wanted to have a special night before we have him! The plans are just to enjoy these next eleven days...we will never have this time back with just him and I. Our world is about to change...but we couldn't be any more happy or excited about it! :)

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