Monday, January 16, 2012

Five Days!

Five! Five! Five! I can not believe we are going to see that cute little face in only five short days! :)

I have not had very much energy lately...the end of pregnancy fatigue has really settled in! I can not imagine still working 40-50 hours a week at this point... I am so uncomfortable! You have dropped so low making it awfully hard to walk... That just means you are getting ready to enter this crazy world!! Well your positioning is at least... My cervix isn't ready! I am not dilating at all... I have several contractions a day which should be causing dilation...but for some reason it's not! My doctor is going to have to give me medicine to force it to happen... Just to be sure you were head down and in position...we had an ultrasound done today! We have not gotten to see you in four months!!!! You have grown so much...they think you will be between seven and eight have chubby little cheeks and the cutest little profile! You do not look quite as much like your daddy in yesterday's pictures do now we are super excited to see you this weekend! I think knowing when you are going to arrive has increased the anxiety level in both Lance and I...we just count down the days! I almost wonder if you coming naturally would have been better rather than induction...but you've got a mind of your own in there and you just do not want to come out!

We have been getting the house ready for your arrival... We have your room all done, we have the house all cleaned, have the car seat installed in the new SUV we bought for your safety, we have your swing and bouncers set up in the living room... Our bags are packed, diaper bag is ready... We are ready...the only thing missing is you!

My only wish is that you could have gotten to meet your great grandpa Tino. He truly was one of the greatest men I have ever met and he meant the absolute world to me. He always had this very special place in my heart and I know I had one in his as well... He always told me "If I could have a'd be about as close as they could come!". I never told the other grand kids but the bond we shared was something I hope you get to share with someone someday... God took him away from me last December and not a day goes by I don't miss him terribly. I know he would have loved to have met you... I hope he's watching from heaven :)

Lance turned down the job at GE... They would not work with him on the start date and he said there was no way he was not going to have time off to be with me or you... We are back to having to find a daycare but I am very thankful we will be able to be a family and not do it separately. He had a second interview at Stormont Vail yesterday morning so we have our fingers crossed! The pay is much better and the insurance is going to be about 200 cheaper then the county!

Lance and I had our last kid-free weekend together...kind of bittersweet. We did not do a whole lot but spend as much time together...we rented a movie, went to dinner, and just relaxed for the remaining time. Lance put your name above the changing will be Lathan for sure now! :) We are so excited to meet you and to start this next phase of our lives, but it is crazy to think that it will never just be your daddy and me again. It is insane to think back to the day we decided to start trying for was in February. We were scared out of our minds at the thought of it but we both knew we really wanted a family together. No luck in February or March. April, I was a week and your daddy got so excited at what that possibly meant! On our wedding anniversary we found out we had no luck again. That was such a disappointment. It was the end of May...SUCCESS! It was the scariest but most exciting feeling I've ever experienced when I saw that positive pregnancy test... I can not even explain it. I just got the biggest smile on my face and yet my heart was racing and my stomach was in knots at the same time. The look on your daddy's face when I told him was PRICELESS! He looked like a deer in only took a few short moments though before we were hugging and kissing! I remember being intimate with him that day and feeling such a connection...knowing his baby was growing inside of me. I am smiling at just the thought of that day. It has been a crazy but fun ride ever since... All the appointments... Hearing your heart beat for the first time, my tummy starting to show you were in there, the first time we saw you, finding out you were a little boy, feeling you kick, every step of the way has been amazing! It hasn't always been easy but having your daddy by my side has made this the most memorable journey of my life! And now we are at the end...Our lives will be turned upside down and you will be our main focus from Saturday on out. That truly is how life should just will be an adjustment. We are excited for it though! :)

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