Thursday, December 6, 2012

So big!!!

Hey mister! Your day care is closed the next three days so you are ALL mama's! I love all this extra special time with you! Today, we slept in until 8:30 and then we went to the library. You had a lot of fun there; you played in the children's area, stared at the fishies in the fish tank, sat in a huge boat full of books, and we read and read! It was a great morning. After that, we just ran a few errands and then spent the afternoon with Ma! Auntie and Kass came over and you two just played and played. You also impressed everyone!!! You said "cat" when you saw saw Baxon and told him to "sit!" Then you tried your hardest to say Christmas when you saw the tree! You are starting to talk a lot more! Ma always said you would probably talk early; you have always been really fascinated with people's mouths and you study them when people talk. Ma said that you were just trying to figure out how to talk...and you're now figuring it out! She was right!!

Ma has a record player / CD player by her always pull yourself up on her footrest and stare at the player until she turns on the music for you. Then you dance and laugh... She pulls you up on her lap and you both just enjoy all the children's songs. "Ma's little baby loves shortening, shortening..." Is one that she always sings to you. When Poppy got home, you have him so many hugs! You are so blessed to have grandparents that love you like they do...I had wonderful grandparents and I am thankful you will have the same. And of course, you light up every time you see your daddy and I too! Duh!! :)

Other little facts...Kendalyn still calls you LathLath. She came up with that on her own and is the only one that calls you that. Auntie and Kass call you Boogie, and Ma and Uncle Dave call you Boy (I explained earlier that is because of Peter Pan.)

You sleep like a little champion!!!! In our bed...but still!!! A little champion! You will only sleep if you're cuddling with me...your daddy tries to pull you over by him and you cry and cry until I pull you back on my pillow and then you press your face up against mine...and that's where you stay all night! I must admit, I love cuddling with you. I do hope to get my pillow back eventually, but for now, we are getting sleep! So we are happy!!!

We have bought you so much for Christmas! You are spoiled rotten!! But that is how you should be! :)

We had your pictures taken with Santa today and then we went to Winter Wonderland to see the Christmas lights!! You were ok with Santa...we got a really cute picture and then we got a really cute picture of you bawling on his lap! Ha. We are really enjoying our time with you...every minute we have with you is such a blessing! Thank you God for giving us the greatest little boy!

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