Thursday, January 3, 2013


You say this and that all the time... your latest phrase is Touch this or Touch that. You give yourself away when you are being bad because you repeatedly say "this" very quietly as you are reaching for the "No-No."

You are very sensitive! You cry and cry everytime we tell you no. We do not even raise our voices or just get such a little broken heart. On the other end of the also have quite the temper! You throw some pretty intense tantrums... Your latest tantrums involve the "mule kick." You are on your knees but you kick your back legs up over and over...I try so hard nit to laugh, but I have never seen such a thing!!!!! You are also so fight with your Mickey Mouse doll. You crawl over to him and push him over or smack him in the face. We tell you not to do it and of course, you do it the first time you think we aren't looking! That is pretty much the case with anything...wrestling with Rocky, pulling things off the coffee table, chewing on everything...if you think you shouldn't do it.... You still are going to do it! :) Maybe your listening skills need a little more work!

You puked all over our bed the other night. We think it was the augmenten you're on for yet another ear infection! I woke up to the sound of vomit. Guess we need to get used to that! I ran you into the bathroom while you finished getting sick in the sink; you cried and just kept saying "Mama." Your daddy had no idea what was going on! Haha.

You're doing a lot better with solid foods! We let you try a lot and you chew it up without a problem. I think your 12th or 13th tooth is coming in...I have lost track!!

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