Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Get Well Soon!!!

Boy, oh boy! Winter has not been nice to us, my little guy!! We are currently getting over the stomach flu!!!! If its not one thing, it's another! You are such a tough little baby though; you've gone from ear infection after ear infection after ear infection to colds and now vomiting!

Late Sunday night, your daddy woke up and got sick. I told him he should probably not come back to bed and risk sharing the germs with you; he spent the rest of the night on the couch. We took you to daycare and at about 8:15, Nancy called and said you definitely had a stomach had gotten such six times!! :( Even though your daddy felt absolutely miserable, he went and picked you up and the two of you spent most of the morning sleeping. By the time I made it home around 2...I had caught it too. I spent the rest of the night getting sick but you and Daddy seemed better! I spent the day at home with you yesterday... I could tell you were not feeling good though. You didn't play at all! You laid on Mama all day long... I loved cuddling with you but I knew that my baby was hurting somewhere and just couldn't tell me. We had lots of Mickey Mouse time and you just cuddled the day away!!!! You seem to be doing better today...Nancy said you were happy and playing with your friends!

You are the cutest when you walk! You're doing great with it, but your balance isn't the greatest yet. You just laugh and stumble your way through it- belly poked out and arms reaching out...your daddy calls you a little zombie!I love it!!! We get such a kick out of you and all the new things you seem to learn each day. It's amazing watching you explore and to see your personality really show. You are still obsessed with Mickey Mouse; if we have the remote in hand...OBVIOUSLY we are turning on Mickey. Sometimes, you go get the remote and bring it to us. "Come on mom! Come on dad! I want Mickey Mouse!!"

We have been getting ready for your first birthday...I can not believe you are almost one. I'm excited for you but I would be lying if I didn't admit that my heart hurts a little too. I know that my cuddling days with you are limited; I know that you won't always be my little baby who likes to lay on mama's chest and play with my hair and my lay there and rub my face and I can just feel the love being shared between us. I am sad that one day you will be too big and too cool for Your mama. Your daddy loves holding you and cuddling you too but I know he is excited for everything the two of you will do when you get bigger. You are already his best little buddy...any project he is working on, you are right there by his side trying to get your hands in it too. You climb up on his back and just babble and chatter while he is trying to work...he loves it though! you two also play "basketball.". He rolls the ball to you and you slap it back to him. You have a Fisher Price basketball hoop that you just love! So he looks forward to all the excitement of father and son as you grow... Mama just wants you to stay little! :)

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