Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fourteen Weeks of Perfection :)

There is a lot of sadness going on with your ma. Her scans showed it moved to her soft tissue but I refuse to lose faith. We aren't even going to talk about it!

You are such a happy baby... I honestly do not think you could be anymore perfect! You have made your mommy and daddy soooo happy! You pretty much wake up smiling and laughing... It's adorable. You are learning to do raspberries and try to mimic our faces...if we stick our tongue out you try so hard to do it too. You are so perfect...I can not say it enough.

You are SO close from rolling to your back to your belly... You can go belly to back but can not master the other way yet! You can not get that arm out of the way so you end up just getting caught on your side.

You started at daycare this broke my heart at the thought of sending you but it was a wonderful week. Nancy is great with you. Of course I'd rather you be with your Aunt Rebecca but it was just too hard on her and I always felt guilty... Nancy is getting paid pretty darn nice so I do not feel bad. :) Plus when I picked you up yesterday she told me how popular you are... There's only five other kids but they all just LOVE you. In fact, Nancy's daughters actually wake up early just so they can get some extra time with you before the bus comes. Already such a lady killer! :)

Kendalyn and Kassidy absolutely love you and you absolutely love them. Today you were just smiling and laughing at Kendalyn and she was tickling you with her braids. I love those girls to death and I just know you will too!

Your daddy and I celebrated two years of marriage... It's been a wonderful marriage so far. I hope you grow up to be like your daddy someday... He's a great man! You will really have some wonderful make role models... Your uncle Dave, your daddy, and your poppy. They'll teach you how to be a little gentleman! :) The ladies will just spoil you... Me, your Ma, your Auntie, your cousins.... We will just love you up! Get used to it mister! :)

You could not have been born at a better time... You've brought our family so much happiness during such a sad and scary time.

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