Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Almost Three Months!!

Little really are the best thing that's ever happened to me! You are SO much fun!!!

You can now fit into some 3-6 month should be thankful you are so long because the way you would definitely be a little chunk if you were not! You sure do LOVE your milk... You get so excited in the middle of the night when it's time to eat. We sing a "I want some milk mama..." song and you know what time it is! Funny funny!

Your Ma is still really fighting pretty darn hard! She is having such a rough time but she loves you so very much she does everything she can to spend time with you - she made your poppy take off work last Friday so you could spend the day with them. You got a good report! :) No matter how much pain she is in, she deals with it so she can hold and cuddle with you. Sometimes you want to be a mover and a groover so I will hold you and wrestle with you so she can still talk and play.

You laugh out loud all the time. You think everything is pretty funny. You try so hard to mimic us when we stick our tongues out or make raspberries with our lips. You try and end up with a face full of slobber! It's the cutest thing!

You still hate a pacifier but you can not get your hands far enough in your mouth. You suck on your whole fist! So funny!

You had your first Easter and even though you were still trying to get over a seemed to have a good day! :)

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