Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Quick Facts!

You are sooo long! Long fingers, long arms, long legs and toes! You're just so stinkin cute! You can wrap your little arms all around my neck to give me little baby hugs :)

You are still trying to get rid of your cold but you are still such a happy baby. The only time you get fussy is bedtime when you're so tired and do not want to work to nurse... We just give you a bottle and happy baby goes to sleep!

You still love your swaddle! You sleep amazing in it... We hear you fight to get your arms free in the middle of the night though. You grunt and groan and work really hard when you're ready to get up to eat. That's still about once a night! Only one time did you sleep through all the way!

You laugh and smile all the time. I think you definitely are recognizing faces... If makes me so happy! You get so excited when you see us.

You love to wiggle. We sing a "wiggle and giggle" song and you immediately start wiggling and dancing.

You still have a bad little temper when you're hungry. You definitely let us know... Real tears and all! Then you whine and complain while you're eating... You make sure we know you are not happy about the wait.

I fall more in love with you each day. You are so much fun!

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