Sunday, March 25, 2012


Well we survived my first week of work... The first day was pretty tough. I definitely cried but you were just fine! :) Your daddy and I have mastered the morning routine, but 5:30 AM comes WAY too early! I drop you off at your Aunt Rebecca's house a little bit after 7 and rush to work - I hate leaving you. It does makes my nights and weekends that much more special, but it does break my heart I can not love and cuddle with you all day. Unfortunately, mama doesn't get a paycheck for cuddling with you so I was forced to go back to work. Trust me, it was NOT by choice! Rebecca has made this a lot easier on me though... Miranda comes and watches you at her house do we don't have to drive you to Perry. Friday, Rebecca had you all day and I think she really enjoyed it! She took you to Ma's and you spent the day hanging out with all the ladies!

You are such a happy little man! You smile constantly...each time it just absolutely melts my heart! I can not get enough of you. You talk and babble all the time...we carry on conversations a lot of the time. You get so excited and get to kicking your little legs so fast!

Tuesday, your Aunt Rebecca called and said you had blood in your diaper. Seriously? My second day back to work and you were already falling apart! I took you to the doctor after I got off, and he told me you just had too many bowel movements in such a short amount of time. Seven before noon!! I told you that you were a pooping machine! :) It was such a relief that's all it was...I was really nervous!

Yesterday, you FINALLY nursed without the breast shield. Thank the Lord! That thing had started to drive me nuts! It would itch and my skin got really irritated because of the plastic.

Your Ma has been doing so-so. She has been really tired lately but always makes sure she gets to cuddle with you at least a little bit. She says "Hey boy!" She loves to just call you "Boy@ like Wendy called Peter Pan - she doesn't want you to ever grow up! Neither do I!!!

This weekend has been great...just hung out with my boys! Life is good!

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